Reflections on the USDA Food Pyramid my Plate and

With a wide range of information available, such a regime can be difficult to choose the best approach for you. It seems that every year there is a new fad diet, while healthy and proven dietary methods fall into the water. One of these proven methods is the USDA food pyramid.

The USDA food pyramid is something most of us have probably seen. This includes bread, pasta, cereals and ride. The next level is divided between fruit and vegetables. Then comes another level of development between milk and protein products. Dairy can be milk, yogurt and cheese (two to three servings) and protein can come from meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs or nuts (2-3 servings). Finally, at the top, we have fats, oils and sweets, which should be used sparingly.

Recently, the USDA food pyramid actually abandoned in favor of its new computer graphics "my plate." The board is divided into four quadrants with vegetables, fruits, grains and proteins each getting their own section. Sections of plants and grains are slightly larger than the fruits and areas of protein, which means you need to eat a little of the first two.

There was some controversy both on the food pyramid and my plate. First, do not give much information about the portion size. The pyramid to mention the number of daily portions, but can not say how a dose. At the same time, my card does not resemble at all the parties. Of course, diet is very important, but exercise plays an important role in creating a healthy body. At the same time, strictly follow the pyramid can also lead to weight gain. Products like sugary cereals, low-fat ice cream, and pizza could easily be consumed daily.

Finally, some concerns about the influence of different food industries have on the FDA and USDA, why these guides are created. The grain (especially corn), meat and dairy industry is heavily subsidized by the federal government and the government of the hard undermined by their representatives. With such a volume of outgoing research explaining how much animal protein can be very dangerous to our health, it begs the question why the government would defend such a strong regime of these products.

This does not mean that the food pyramid my plate and ideas are bad and should not be considered. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of fruit juice and chips, choose whole grain bread instead of white and limited animal protein.

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