Food Pyramid for Diabetics

Being a diabetic ensures that you have a strict control on the food you eat. You can not succumb to temptations and worsen your condition, choosing the wrong food. As a diabetic, you should be as careful and cautious and amount of ingested food and to achieve success, you must be aware of the food pyramid for diabetics.

The food pyramid for diabetics is a nutrition guide that one can follow. By the time they are diagnosed with diabetes you need to be placed on a diet that is rich in green vegetables, non-dairy, whole grains, fruits etc. The food pyramid gives you a basic orientation about what to eat so that you can successfully reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. With the help of the food pyramid above, you can effectively manage your glucose level in the blood, cholesterol and blood pressure.

The food pyramid for diabetics was originally designed by the American Dental Association and divides food into six categories. The most important group is the pyramid includes beans, pasta, vegetables, cereals, etc. The top of the pyramid is occupied by the foods you should not take if you have diabetes and they include fats, sweets and alcohol. You should eat a variety of all foods that the body needs proper nutrition to function and perform daily activities successfully.

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