Especially in the prevention of urinary tract infections, the benefits of cranberry have proven to be anti-adhesive. No other berry has been applied to humans by the cranberry very scientific study.
Ocean Spray, a global company, was founded in 1930 and is a union of 800 cranberry farmers in the United States. Manages about 60% of the world's harvest of cranberries. Ocean Spray recently doubled to meet growing demand in the food and food industry Functional.
What kind of cranberries are there?
With Evergreen, it grows on acidic cranberry cranberries in the US and Canada, especially in New England, Washington, Oregon, northern California and southwest British Columbia. The berry is initially white, but turns into a characteristic red color in July-August.
Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon L.), free
What are the properties of cranberries for consumers?
Since the early 1980s, berry juice is known to have antibacterial properties that affect the health of the urinary system and perhaps more. Recent dental research has shown that these dried fruits are the advantages of low decomposition, probably due to antioxidants in cranberries and grapes.
So far, the most popular berry application is juice, a product dominated by juices, cocktails, and popular and popular Ocean Spray blends.
Due to its cranberry health properties, indicating the urinary system as a benefit site, Ocean Spray collided promoting health of cranberry juice for the kidneys with the American National Kidney Foundation. In addition, in 2005, France allowed the sea to make a health claim for the spray label to describe the benefits of cranberry juice during recurring cystitis in adult women.
Similar to other Vaccinium berries, cranberries are scientifically recognized as powerful sources of antioxidant phytochemicals.
What are antioxidants and antioxidants?
Moment moment in every cell of the body, free radical (ie, oxidation or radical oxygen species) is constantly produced by normal metabolism. Exposure to environmental toxins, or radiation, increases the production of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable individuals with potential for cellular and gene modification, if not hurry quickly neutralized.Our body defends against hot oxidation by the enzymes dismutase, catalase, peroxidase and reductases. In cranberries, especially research has identified the phenolic class of proanthocyanidins, a group of tannins, with strong antioxidant properties.
What are the other pigments in cranberries?
The rich red color of the cranberries come from many chemicals from the phenol family. One of the large groups of phenolic flavonoids densely filled cranberries. In addition to anthocyanins, flavonols, ellagico acid, rosmarinic acid, hippuric acid, quercetin, chlorogenic acid, pendimino-3-galactoside, cyanidine-3-galactoside α-galactoside and cyanide 3 are found in cranberry.
Is it a way to measure the antioxidant capacity of plant foods and how well they work there?
Yes, a test called ORAC (Oxygen Root Absorption Capacity) is conducted on a food sample in a test tube. Blackberries and cranberries have the same levels of ORAC.
Plants with light hair and white envelopes such as pears and apples some have low ORAC while dark fruits such as black raspberries, blackberries and cranberries have a relatively high ORAC.
What does a high ORAC cranberries do to protect health?
The answer to this question requires real clinical research in humans (and not yet but preliminary), but scientific evidence shows extensive protection from a variety of diseases that have a nutrition rich in ORAC-rich foods such as cranberries.
Despite the fact that juice products such as Ocean Spray have shown health effects (for example the antibacterial properties mentioned above and proven to be effective against urinary tract infections), the phenol content of dry berries is likely to be higher , And therefore has more antioxidant benefit. Juice or post-harvest treatment tends to reduce the quality and phytochemical content, including antioxidants.
Cultivate scientific evidence that almost all diseases, free radicals are involved to some extent. Cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammation and neurological disorders have strong components of oxidative stress. Cranberries have revealed other anti-disease effects in laboratory research, except for the aforementioned non-sticky properties, including animal models or in vitro, of different types of cancer (breast, skin, colon, prostate, lung, brain, Of the mouth) heart diseases and vascular rings.
The message to consumers is simple: eat color rich plant foods to get the potential health benefits of antioxidant dyes.
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