How To Try The Gourmet Belgian Chocolate Delicious?

The Gourmet Belgian Chocolate ~ Gourmet chocolate may be true masterpieces of culinary art; And like a good wine tasting to know how many flavours and textures luxury chocolate is a technique to enhance their understanding, strengthen appreciation and hope that your experience with the food!
These skills will help you to say, also, the difference between the real magic of chocolate and chocolate products are well packaged. 
gourmet belgian chocolate

Each year, the chef creates a new collection of Belgian chocolates with getting back to first principles. Let's start from the beginning: chocolate.

Find buy some fine chocolate and different kinds: try milk, dark and white chocolate may never experiment. If you are chocolate lovers with milk, you should have a dark or white variety that you can get. Do not be afraid to contain some unusual flavours, such as sea salt balances the sweetness of chocolate a wonderful way and pepper increased cocoa earthy notes.

The ideal temperature to enjoy gourmet Belgian chocolate is 20 ° C

gourmet belgian chocolate

Eat with your eyes, to organize a nice way to put it, so that you can see the evolution of light in the dark. Now everything is organized for analysis and the taste of chocolate: Pay attention to four key elements: Look, texture, taste and aroma.

Step 1 - The bite chocolate

If she bites with a cup of a chocolate not tear. Soft chocolate, these properties do not appear.

Step 2 - chocolate Chewing

Chew chocolate mouth sometimes. Then press the chocolate in the top of her mouth. Let's stay in the mouth the melted chocolate and let it come to the flavours.

Step 3 - Aftertaste

Swallow the chocolate and located in the beautiful aftertaste.

Length: each chocolate has a different length to test helps determine.

Tasting sheet: follow the chocolates you like with a tasting sheet.

Aftertaste: identify the taste of chocolate.

Hard in the mouth: how long remains of taste in the mouth: short, medium, long?

Texture: the texture that best defines this chocolate inside and out.

Take a bite of an unsalted cracker (or a green apple) and a sip of water to cleanse the palate, then try this chocolate.

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