Chipotle Salsa

Receta salsa chipotle this is the origin of Mexican cuisine. Chipotle is otherwise jalapeno, which forms when jalapeno becomes dry and is exposed to smoke makes them very pungent odor. In this recipe, the tamarind paste is used to slightly bittersweet taste to this salsa. On the other hand, the original chipotle salsa contains lemon juice.

Necessary ingredients:

15 pieces of Chipotle
4 sweet tomatoes (chopped)
6 cloves garlic (finely chopped)
1/2 cup tamarind paste
1 teaspoon black pepper
Salt to taste

Cooking Instructions:
The first step is to prepare the tamarind paste for their parsley. Soak tamarind package in half a glass of water for five minutes. When the mixture begins to bubble, reduce the flame and cook on low heat for ten minutes until the mixture has reduced to a third of the amount. Thereafter, let the parsley mixture to cool to room temperature. Then put the mixture in a blender and make a smooth paste. Now, using the filter, remove the undissolved remaining parts such as skins and tomato seeds to make a very smooth paste salsa that has a uniform consistency. Now, we have prepared the chipotle salsa and cool, then serve with any snack at tea time.

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