The Vegetarian Food Pyramid

Using the vegetarian food pyramid
Vegans are those who choose not to eat meat or animal byproducts. If you are a vegan or thinking about becoming a vegan, it is important to use the vegan food pyramid to make sure you eat enough protein and other nutrients to stay healthy and keep your energy levels.

When you look at the vegan food pyramid, which is kind of similar to what you may be familiar. Bread and cereals are the basis of the vegan pyramid, followed by fruits and vegetables to the next level. However, if you look closely, you see that milk and dairy products were replaced by other calcium-rich foods, such as fortified soy milk. Meats were replaced by legumes, which include beans, nuts, peas and lentils and tofu. In some versions of the pyramid, vegetables and calcium-fortified foods are grouped together, in others they are placed side by side, the way meat and dairy products appear in the regular food pyramid. In any case, it is important for the vegetarian diet because these foods contain most vegetarians who consume proteins.

At the top of the food pyramid is the group of omega-3 fatty acids may seem like a scary term for those who are used to hearing that Americans need to reduce fat they consume, but these fats are an important part Vegan diet. These fatty acids found in nuts, seeds and other sources within the vegan diet, providing food for the hair and nails. They also help support the immune system and help a person maintain a healthy weight.

In addition to the foods that are in the vegan food pyramid, vegans are also invited to use supplements of vitamin B12 and vitamin D. Vitamin B12 is found primarily in meat, so it is necessary to supplement this vitamin if you stop I do eat. Vitamin B12 is important because the lack of vitamin can lead to problems such as anemia, fatigue, nerve damage and other conditions.
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which is essential for strong bones. If you feel intimidated when you look at the vegan food pyramid, you are not alone.

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