Food pyramid, We Learned at School

They begin to teach healthy food pyramid and food while we are at school, and stress the need for a balanced diet throughout our lives. Healthy bodies start from the inside. From birth we feed our body to grow and stay healthy. When the right foods in the right amounts and combinations, are made on a daily basis to thrive. Exercise plays an important role in our growth and general good health too. What we choose to eat can determine how we are and we can avoid many diseases simply eating right. We need a little of each of the following forms of nutrition every day:

- Grains including cereals, pasta, rice and whole grains;
- Vegetables;
- Fruits;
- Protein (form of meat, eggs, poultry, beans, fish and nuts);
- Calcium derived from milk, cheese, yoghurt and products;
- Present in oils and sweets.

The right combination of the above ingredients make up the food pyramid and eating sufficient amounts of each, have a daily balanced diet.

Our bodies need protein to grow and produce healthy muscle. The group consists of meat protein such as beef, pork, fish, chicken and beans, nuts and eggs. Whenever eating more meat to sacrifice something else, creating an unbalanced diet. That's why the food guide pyramid suggests certain quantities of each food group consumed on a daily basis.

Men and women have different nutritional needs. A construction worker usually have different nutritional needs than a sedentary office worker and a woman needs a little different amounts of protein and milk category of items that most men. The nutritional needs of women vary according to your age, we see a young woman of childbearing age requires more articles fruit and vegetable groups, more carbohydrates to keep operating normally it will do when she gets older. When women reach menopause your needs change due to the amount of estrogen they produce. They will, for example, need more calcium than milk the group to maintain strong and healthy bones.

Growing children need all the food pyramid products. Full body young growth are particularly demanding in terms of nutrition. After the food guide pyramid is vital to educate their children, because the food pyramid will provide parents information on what makes a healthy and nutritious diet for their young.

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