An Overview of Lung Cancer

General information on lung cancer

Lung carcinoma or lung cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer today. In the United States, another form of cancer that is more common is breast cancer, which is the development of a malignant breast tissue. Breast cancer is seen mostly in women, although this does not mean that men are safe. A small percentage of men also contract breast cancer. The numbers are small, a man with breast cancer against a 100 women with it, but its existence. However, there is a big difference between breast cancer and lung cancer. You can see the symptoms of breast cancer at an early stage, while in the case of lung cancer, the symptoms are not detected early, primarily because they coincide with the symptoms of other minor ailments. In this article, we will discuss lung cancer.

A person is said to suffer from lung cancer when a growth of malignant cancer cells is detected in the lungs. Depending on the phase in which lung cancer is detected, it can be classified as follows:

The first steps


Advanced stages

Today, there is a lot of information on lung cancer available. Patients or patients' parents can access information via the Internet, which has an almost unlimited number of websites dedicated to different aspects of lung cancer - types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, etc. . For example, if you are in the UK and want to search for information on the treatment of lung cancer, facilities, etc. in your country, you can simply log onto the website of Cancer Research UK, leading UK cancer charity, collect any information you want from your site.

Previously, lung cancer treatment was not an easy thing to do because of the huge amount of expenditure in the form of medical bills, hospitalization rates, etc. Lung cancer insurance is readily available, as insurance that covers other forms of cancer.

Types of lung cancer

There are two main types of lung cancer exist today. These two elements are seen in the epithelial cells of the lungs. They are:

Lung small cell cancer (SLCC)

Small cell lung cancer not

There is another type called / lung cancer cells large mixed small cell. Small cell lung cancer

This is the rarest of two basic forms of lung cancer. One in five patients with lung cancer is diagnosed with lung cancer small cell.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Non-small cell or non-small lung cancer and small lung cancer cells is the most common of the two basic forms of lung cancer. Four of five lung cancer patients suffer from this type of cancer.

Depending on the type of cell / sector in which cancer cells grow in the lung cancer non-small cell lung cancer is further classified into three categories. They are:

Squamous cell carcinoma


The Grand Cell Carcinoma

Bronchoalveolar carcinoma (BAC)

Squamous cell carcinoma

This is the most common type of lung cancer. It occurs in the cells lining the airways in the lungs. This type of cancer is mainly due to the absorption of nicotine by smoking.


This form of cancer is seen in the mucus cells in airways in the lungs.

Large Cell Carcinoma

It is also called undifferentiated lung cancer. In the large cell carcinoma, proliferating cells are round, and much higher than those observed in carcinoma cells and squamous cell carcinoma.

Bronchoalveolar carcinoma (BAC)

This form of cancer is seen in bronchoalveolar lung area.

What causes lung cancer?

The main cause of lung cancer is tobacco exposure. This is primarily by smoking. About 80% of lung cancer patients are smokers. Smokers may be cigarette smokers, cigar smokers, or pipe smokers; Whatever. The risk of contracting lung cancer is equal in all three cases.

This smoke is also called secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is of two types:

Mainstream - This is the smoke exhaled by the smoker, and equivalent to more than 50% of all secondhand smoke.

Passive smoking is also a great chance of getting lung cancer. The odds of smoking / sub contracting lung cancer liabilities is 30% higher than people who inhale the active or passive smoke.

However, there have been instances of even total non-smokers with lung cancer. This indicates that cigarettes are not the only cause of lung cancer. Here are some other causes of lung cancer:

Air pollution

Inhalation of asbestos fibers

Exposure to radon, a radioactive substance formed by breakdown of uranium

Inhaling marijuana smoke by smoking

The chest area of ​​exposure to radiation during cancer treatment

Hereditary reasons

The presence of arsenic in drinking water

The diet low in fruits and vegetables (which increases lung cancer risk in smokers)

A combination of tobacco exposure, and any of these causes greatly increases the chances of a person contracting lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer

Here are some of the common symptoms of lung cancer. There are no specific symptoms of early stages of lung cancer. This is why the lung cancer is usually detected in the subsequent steps.

Using a suitable screening technique would greatly increase the likelihood of early detection of lung cancer. Since lung cancer is detected, the next step is to determine the phase that is. Roman numerals are used to mark the different stages of lung cancer, the numbers 0 through IV.

The treatment of lung cancer

Lung cancer treatment options are generally the same as treatment options for cancer and prostate treatment options for colon cancer. What I mean is that all forms of cancer have the same treatment options. However, lung cancer testing can be different from colon cancer tests. Standard treatment options for lung cancer are:




What is important is the combination of methods used.






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