More and more
cancer patients today.
In the early 1900s,
one in 20 developed cancer.
In the 1940s, one in 16 developed cancer.
Cancer, in fact, is a big business for pharmaceutical companies. The typical cancer patient spending $ 50,000 the fight against the disease. Even if you have inherited the types of genes that are linked to cancer, which is only about 5-10% of all cancers, there is ample evidence that genes interact with their environment.
In the 1940s, one in 16 developed cancer.
Cancer, in fact, is a big business for pharmaceutical companies. The typical cancer patient spending $ 50,000 the fight against the disease. Even if you have inherited the types of genes that are linked to cancer, which is only about 5-10% of all cancers, there is ample evidence that genes interact with their environment.
A recent study found that Americans obtained:
63% of their calories from highly processed foods (eg, hot dogs, margarine, frozen foods, baked goods, ice cream and candy)
30% of processed foods in moderation (eg, white rice, pasta, peanut butter, jelly, canned produce, processed dairy products and processed meats / cold)
Only 7% of foods that are unprocessed or minimally processed (eg fresh or frozen products, beans, nuts, eggs, brown rice, milk and fresh meat).
We are never in human history have eaten two of convenience food products, meal microwave, packaged snacks and fast food.
We need to eat real food. processed and packaged foods are not only nutrient (low in antioxidants and phytochemicals), they also contain unhealthy ingredients such as processed vegetable oils, corn syrup, excess sodium, preservatives and additives . The more we eat, the more health problems that develop.
1. Prepare meals
Cook your foods from scratch, but avoid frying or charbroiling that these cooking methods create carcinogens. Only use a good cooking oil. Restaurants and processed foods usually use vegetable oils, air from canola, corn, soybean, safflower or sunflower. Some may use grape seed oil or rice bran oil. The best cooking oils for use are coconut oil and organic animal fats, butter, ghee. Reserve extra virgin olive oil for cooking and salad to sweet fire.
2. Look at the sugar
Processed and packaged foods are usually very high in sugar. Look cereal boxes that you eat every day, packaged snacks that you eat in the afternoon soda, or fruit / juice you drink. A recent meta-analysis that included data from nearly 900,000 people show that people with pre-diabetes have a risk 15 percent higher cancer, especially breast cancer, endometrial, liver, pancreas and stomach.
IGF-1 plays a key role in cell growth and proliferation. Which is why diabetes and pre-diabetes increase the risk of cancer.
is the perfect food for cancer cells and promotes their growth. If
you currently have cancer or are pre-diabetic, you should absolutely avoid all
forms of sugar, natural and refined. Some
names added sugars include agave syrup, brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn
syrup, sugar molecules ending in "ose" (dextrose, fructose, glucose,
lactose, maltose, sucrose), syrup corn,
fruit juice concentrate, honey, invert sugar, malt sugar, molasses, raw sugar,
sugar and syrup.
People who have diabetes and pre-diabetes should pay special attention to your fructose consumption. The liver converts fructose into fat, which is exported as VLDL-cholesterol, resulting in triglycerides and blood cholesterol, fat around the organs and possibly heart disease. Fructose increases uric acid in the blood and helps in lowering and hypertension. deposition of excess fat in the liver leads to disease nonalcoholic fatty liver. Excess fructose brings insulin resistance, which leads to elevated insulin and IGF-1 and can possibly cause cancer.
Some forms of sugar are rich in fructose. Fructose Corn syrup is 55% fructose, table sugar is 50%, and the honey is approximately 40%.
Fruits obviously contain fructose or fruit sugar. If you're healthy, you can eat whole fruits, but do not drink fruit juice.
II. Strengthen your immune system
Your immune system is constantly fighting against colds, flu, and all kinds of infections. He works constantly to turn off cancer cells long before they have a chance to turn into deadly diseases. For example, immune cells in the blood called natural killer (NK) can inject venom into a cancer cell, and then breaks the cell wall, and pour the contents, pinching cancer in the bud.
When your immune system is not strong enough to suppress the growth of cancer cells, you will get cancer. Thus, maintaining a strong immune system and healthy is a mandatory step in cancer prevention and achieve robust health.
Healthy intestinal bacteria produces by-products that help maintain a strong intestinal mucosa, and not enough good bacteria to make substances, intestinal tract becomes very sensitive to damage.
People who have diabetes and pre-diabetes should pay special attention to your fructose consumption. The liver converts fructose into fat, which is exported as VLDL-cholesterol, resulting in triglycerides and blood cholesterol, fat around the organs and possibly heart disease. Fructose increases uric acid in the blood and helps in lowering and hypertension. deposition of excess fat in the liver leads to disease nonalcoholic fatty liver. Excess fructose brings insulin resistance, which leads to elevated insulin and IGF-1 and can possibly cause cancer.
Some forms of sugar are rich in fructose. Fructose Corn syrup is 55% fructose, table sugar is 50%, and the honey is approximately 40%.
Fruits obviously contain fructose or fruit sugar. If you're healthy, you can eat whole fruits, but do not drink fruit juice.
3. Buy quality
meat and dairy products only
Choice, raised sustainable, organic meats grazed grass to reduce their exposure to antibiotics, hormones, herbicides, pesticides and genetically modified food animal animals.
If you are on a budget, buy ground beef fed grass clippings or less of meat that require longer cooking time.
With dairy products, it is best to buy organic and / or grass-fed.
4. Eat foods that fight cancer every day
A recent study shows that a typical American eats less than 4 tablespoons of vegetables (both cruciferous and dark leafy) every day.
Choice, raised sustainable, organic meats grazed grass to reduce their exposure to antibiotics, hormones, herbicides, pesticides and genetically modified food animal animals.
If you are on a budget, buy ground beef fed grass clippings or less of meat that require longer cooking time.
With dairy products, it is best to buy organic and / or grass-fed.
4. Eat foods that fight cancer every day
A recent study shows that a typical American eats less than 4 tablespoons of vegetables (both cruciferous and dark leafy) every day.
over the fight against cancer Whole Foods, herbs and spices in your daily diet
- cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
cauliflower, kale, cabbage), green, dark green leaves asparagus,
tomatoes, berries, pomegranate, green tea, oregano, rosemary, cinnamon,
turmeric, garlic, ginger, black pepper and cayenne pepper.
There are 84,000 artificial chemicals in our air products, food, water, and household items. More than 10,000 chemical additives with questionable safety (as they have never been tested in humans) are allowed in foods and food packaging alone.
Children enter puberty at a younger and younger age. Scientific evidence strongly suggests that the chemical hormonal dysregulation is probably the cause.
Similarly, exposure to industrial chemicals and pollutants is to contribute to a wide range of health problems, including asthma, cancer and reproductive abnormalities.
The following describes the eight major sources of toxins promote cancer in our body - food, skin, dental amalgams, alcohol, air, radiation, vaccines and water.
1. Power
Vegetables and fruits are among the healthiest foods you can eat, but they are also foods that are generally contaminated with pesticides and herbicides. Pesticides are most harmful to children's brains. If you can not afford to go organic whole, at least, opt for organic versions of these highly contaminated products - apples, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, grapes, peppers, collard greens, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, peas, spinach, strawberries and peppers.
Many fish from the ocean, especially the largest type contain large amounts of mercury.
There are 84,000 artificial chemicals in our air products, food, water, and household items. More than 10,000 chemical additives with questionable safety (as they have never been tested in humans) are allowed in foods and food packaging alone.
Children enter puberty at a younger and younger age. Scientific evidence strongly suggests that the chemical hormonal dysregulation is probably the cause.
Similarly, exposure to industrial chemicals and pollutants is to contribute to a wide range of health problems, including asthma, cancer and reproductive abnormalities.
The following describes the eight major sources of toxins promote cancer in our body - food, skin, dental amalgams, alcohol, air, radiation, vaccines and water.
1. Power
Vegetables and fruits are among the healthiest foods you can eat, but they are also foods that are generally contaminated with pesticides and herbicides. Pesticides are most harmful to children's brains. If you can not afford to go organic whole, at least, opt for organic versions of these highly contaminated products - apples, carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, grapes, peppers, collard greens, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, peas, spinach, strawberries and peppers.
Many fish from the ocean, especially the largest type contain large amounts of mercury.
-multi Resistant typhoid fever, tuberculosis and gonorrhea kill hundreds of thousands of people each year and is deteriorating.
-multi Resistant typhoid fever, tuberculosis and gonorrhea kill hundreds of thousands of people each year and is deteriorating.
fight against antibiotic resistance, breeders must end the use of antibiotics
in small doses.
we buy USDA organic meats, we know that no antibiotic could be used to promote
Reserve antibiotics for serious, life-threatening bacterial infections only.
Food Additives
If you buy packaged or processed foods, the more likely they will contain a number of food additives.
Reserve antibiotics for serious, life-threatening bacterial infections only.
Food Additives
If you buy packaged or processed foods, the more likely they will contain a number of food additives.
2. Skin
Your skin is the largest organ, more permeable body. Beware that products carrying "all natural" labels that can also contain harmful chemicals.
Your skin is the largest organ, more permeable body. Beware that products carrying "all natural" labels that can also contain harmful chemicals.
Artificial colors
Coal tar
Mineral oil
Fragrance or synthetic fragrances
Compounds based oil - Polyethylene and propylene glycol (PEG)
Sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)
Synthetic musks
3. Dental amalgams
amalgams contain 50 percent mercury. If you have amalgam fillings in your mouth, find a biological dentist / mercury to safely dispose their amalgams.
When we drink alcohol, the body must break down the ethanol into acetaldehyde, a toxic chemical. Chronic heavy drinking can lead to fatty liver cirrhosis and finally liver, where the healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, preventing the liver function.
Drinking alcohol may increase the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx (voice box), liver, breast and colon. The risk of cancer is much higher for those who drink alcohol and also smoking.
If you do not drink, do not start. If you drink, do so in moderation. One drink is 12 ounces beer (5% alcohol), 5 ounces of wine (12% alcohol) and 1.5 ounces of hard liquor (40% alcohol).
Moderate and responsible consumption.
The biggest culprits are mining, chemical, paper and transport.
Research shows that long-term exposure to air pollution fine particulate matter is associated with atherosclerosis and significantly faster cognitive decline in older people.
Use non-toxic household cleaning products, environmentally friendly, and VOC.
Avoid using air fresheners and scented candles.
Avoid non-stick cookwares or Teflon type, which release toxins into the air when heated.
Coal tar
Mineral oil
Fragrance or synthetic fragrances
Compounds based oil - Polyethylene and propylene glycol (PEG)
Sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)
Synthetic musks
3. Dental amalgams
amalgams contain 50 percent mercury. If you have amalgam fillings in your mouth, find a biological dentist / mercury to safely dispose their amalgams.
When we drink alcohol, the body must break down the ethanol into acetaldehyde, a toxic chemical. Chronic heavy drinking can lead to fatty liver cirrhosis and finally liver, where the healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, preventing the liver function.
Drinking alcohol may increase the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx (voice box), liver, breast and colon. The risk of cancer is much higher for those who drink alcohol and also smoking.
If you do not drink, do not start. If you drink, do so in moderation. One drink is 12 ounces beer (5% alcohol), 5 ounces of wine (12% alcohol) and 1.5 ounces of hard liquor (40% alcohol).
Moderate and responsible consumption.
The biggest culprits are mining, chemical, paper and transport.
Research shows that long-term exposure to air pollution fine particulate matter is associated with atherosclerosis and significantly faster cognitive decline in older people.
Use non-toxic household cleaning products, environmentally friendly, and VOC.
Avoid using air fresheners and scented candles.
Avoid non-stick cookwares or Teflon type, which release toxins into the air when heated.
4. Radiation
Minimize exposure radiometric medical checks, including body and dental X-rays, CT scans and mammograms. Each exposure to radiation accumulates in the body and cancer risk increases with each exposure to radiation. So even if one source of radiation exposure is unlikely to cause cancer alone, the combined exposures add up over our lives and increase the risk of long-term cancer.
In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) / International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified the electromagnetic field produced by cell phones as a carcinogenic class B notes humans.This came partly in response to research showing mobile phones increase the risk of brain cancer.
An Israeli research group discovered a fourfold increase in cancer of the parotid gland 1970-2006, with the largest increase happens after 2001. The study showed that the rate of other types of salivary gland cancer remained stable.
Never hold a cell phone to your ear.
Minimize exposure radiometric medical checks, including body and dental X-rays, CT scans and mammograms. Each exposure to radiation accumulates in the body and cancer risk increases with each exposure to radiation. So even if one source of radiation exposure is unlikely to cause cancer alone, the combined exposures add up over our lives and increase the risk of long-term cancer.
In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) / International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified the electromagnetic field produced by cell phones as a carcinogenic class B notes humans.This came partly in response to research showing mobile phones increase the risk of brain cancer.
An Israeli research group discovered a fourfold increase in cancer of the parotid gland 1970-2006, with the largest increase happens after 2001. The study showed that the rate of other types of salivary gland cancer remained stable.
Never hold a cell phone to your ear.
carry your cell phone on your body. Toxins
tend to accumulate in the body over time. Flu
Mist is really thimerosal.
5. Water
Tap water is cheap, fast and easy. Clean, filtered tap water is the most convenient source, economic and healthy water.
5. Water
Tap water is cheap, fast and easy. Clean, filtered tap water is the most convenient source, economic and healthy water.
Know Brita, Pur, Zero, and all type of
pitcher water filters remove only 5 ingredients - cadmium, copper, chlorine,
mercury and zinc.
remove fluoride, you can add bone char filters to your existing water
filtration system.II. Strengthen your immune system
Your immune system is constantly fighting against colds, flu, and all kinds of infections. He works constantly to turn off cancer cells long before they have a chance to turn into deadly diseases. For example, immune cells in the blood called natural killer (NK) can inject venom into a cancer cell, and then breaks the cell wall, and pour the contents, pinching cancer in the bud.
When your immune system is not strong enough to suppress the growth of cancer cells, you will get cancer. Thus, maintaining a strong immune system and healthy is a mandatory step in cancer prevention and achieve robust health.
Healthy intestinal bacteria produces by-products that help maintain a strong intestinal mucosa, and not enough good bacteria to make substances, intestinal tract becomes very sensitive to damage.
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