Food Pyramid

The recommended food pyramid provides a simple guide to establishing healthy eating habits. The food pyramid was originally established in the 1960s in response to the increase in heart disease, and help people understand what it takes to stay healthy. There are several facets of the food pyramid, which help you analyze what you eat and you need to change in order to maintain your healthy eating habits.

The base of the pyramid is the bread and cereals group. There are a variety of different types of foods that fall into this category. According to this pyramid, a healthy diet contains six to eleven servings of breads and cereals a day. The pyramid recommends at least half of the bread and grains you consume are whole grains such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, or oatmeal.

Some versions include fruit and vegetables pyramids in a single group, others split them into two groups. Part generally consists of a cup of vegetable or vegetable juice. Typical food pyramid groups vegetables into five groups:

* Dark green such as broccoli and spinach.

* Orange: pumpkin and sweet potatoes

* Beans and dry peas: navy beans, kidney beans, lentils, tofu

* Starchy vegetables: corn, potatoes, peas

* Other vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, tomatoes

(Note: While we have given examples of each group, it is certainly not an exhaustive list)

With fruit, a glass of fruit juice or fruit, or a half cup of dried fruit counts as a service. Recommendations are one to two servings of fruit a day.

The next part of the food pyramid is the milk and dairy section. This group includes milk (including lactose), yogurt, cheese and other variations of this type of product. A typical dairy service would be a glass of milk or yogurt, 1½ ounces of natural cheese or two ounces of processed cheese.

This group contains meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and beans. Choose lean meats and poultry are key to a healthy diet. The highest level of the food pyramid is the oil level and grease. Although there are different types of fats, this food group should be the smallest part of a healthy diet. An ounce of nuts, such as peanuts or almonds, contains three teaspoons of oil coffee. The food pyramid can provide excellent guidlines to ensure that your meals will be more balanced and nutritious. Although the number of servings of each group varies depending on your age, body type, activity level and other individual needs, the food pyramid can help you on your way to developing a model 'Healthy eating.

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