Understanding Diabetic Food Pyramid

The diabetic food pyramid is much like normal food pyramid most recognizable with the main difference being that helps diabetics avoid eating too much sugar. Because it is intended for use by people with diabetes that is fully supported by the American Dietetic Association and the American Diabetes Association.

Sugar is the enemy of all diabetics. This does not mean that they can not eat, because most diabetics can eat sugar from time to time. Your ability to enjoy a little sugar depends on the severity of their diabetic condition. Once diagnosed with diabetes a person can no longer enjoy the high sugar food the way they used to diabetic food pyramid and helps them decide what foods to eat and which to avoid.

The good thing about the diabetic food pyramid is the ease with which allows to choose the right kind of food. It also describes the portion sizes and incorporating diabetic friendly foods full meal plans.

There are six categories of food groups in the food pyramid diabetic. At the bottom of the pyramid is the main food group, or what people with diabetes should eat the most part consists of whole grains, starchy vegetables, and beans. The second group atop the pyramid consists of fruits and vegetables. On the third rung are dairy products, meat and other protein sources. At the tip of the pyramid are foods that all diabetics need attention and include fats, oils and sweets and refined sugars, of course.

The US Department of Agriculture last day to diabetic food pyramid in 2005 and became 3 years. There is a wealth of information on diabetic food pyramid available online.

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