Changes have to be Aware in the New Food Pyramid

It has been twelve years since the Department of Agriculture of the United States updated the food pyramid. This pyramid emphasized foods you should eat more in the bottom of the pyramid with the foods to be consumed in small quantities at the top. The new food pyramid is an inverted pyramid. The food groups are color coded, the size of the sections outlining the proportions of foods consumed in each group. You will also notice a figure climbing steps to the side of the pyramid, which symbolizes exercise as part of the overall plan.

1 On a 2,000-calorie plan meals amount to half of the affected grains. Examples of whole grains include corn, wheat, rye, whole wheat pasta and brown rice. Be careful in reading labels on bread. If a piece of whole wheat bread is really the first ingredient on the label must be the whole wheat flour.

2 The focus is on milk and dairy products and lean low-fat group. On a 2,000-calorie plan meals, three cups of dairy products is recommended. Some examples thereof are cream cheese, sour cream and butter. A cup of yogurt equals a glass of milk. And a half ounces of cheese equals one cup of milk.

3 There is an emphasis on lean meats and less meat in the meat group. A development plan 2000 calories is five years and one and a half ounces of meat. This would be a lean quarter pound and ounce lean hamburger in a sandwich for the day. The old food pyramid has allowed two to three servings from this group.

Sixty minutes of exercise is suggested to prevent weight gain and from sixty to ninety minutes to lose weight.

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