What is Frenectomy Procedure?

What is Frenectomy Procedure You should know?

Frenectomy is actually a simple dental procedure that can be done with the help of only local anesthesia. This procedure is done to improve the frenectomy.

T Children who go for corrective dental surgery and the elderly who have dentures fixed by a dentist are more likely to develop abnormal frenectomy.

Labial frenectomy
image from Debug Your Health

In this procedure, the network, which is attached to the two front teeth, will be deleted. Thus, gaps between teeth can be visible reduced. Sometimes frenectomy labial done to improve the effect of the correction procedure previously frenectomy.

image from David A. Carbonaro

Frenectomy is clamped with a hemostat. Additional network or do not have the frenectomy cut far below and above the position where the hemostat is clamped.

After surgery, the remaining tissue is sewn firmly with sutures so that the formation of new tissue frenectomy prevented. All frenectomy procedure aims to improve balance function in the mouth.

What's that?
image from Pediatric Dentistry of Central Florida

The muscles on the inside of the cheeks and lips are connected to the network found in the mouth and gums with other tissue called a frenectomy.

When the frenectomy is located at a point higher than required, it allows for an abnormal space between the teeth. Repair of this disorder is called as frenectomy labial.

In infants
image from Children's Dentistry of Westerly

In infants frenectomy prevent abnormal growth of the baby teeth make their appearance.

Lingual frenectomy
image from Debug Your Health

Extra fold of tissue under the tongue which causes the defect of speech, difficulty swallowing and the condition of being 'tongue tied' will be removed in this procedure.

Usually done with the help of laser technique, parents operated on with the aid of local anesthesia while the kids may need general anesthesia. However, those who underwent surgery with local anesthesia should keep absolutely quiet and without movement for procedures that may be successful.

Tongue tied
image from East Madison Dental

The frenectomy is also found in the tissue under the tongue. If the network is connected to the tongue near the edge so it does not allow free movement of the tongue, giving rise to the condition of literally tongue tied.

Because of this disorder, children affected by the notice that they will not be able to stick its tongue as easily as their friends.

Extra growth can lead to speech defects and difficulty in swallowing. Some people find that the tongue is blocked by the front teeth while talking or eating. The procedures to improve the frenectomy under the tongue referred to as frenectomy lingual.

Postoperative care
image from Frenulectomy Huntsville

There are some precautions that should be taken after the procedure frenectomy.

• Local operation will take several weeks to fully recover.

• Stitches used are of two types-one that dissolves with time and others that need to be removed. If the stitching is the last type, the dentist will call you back another day to remove sutures.

• When brushing and flossing be careful to see you do not apply too much pressure in the vicinity of certain areas.

• Rinse the area gently with salt water operated to remain free from food particles and odors.

• As many blood vessels attached to the tongue, bleeding after the procedure frenectomy is a complication that may be, but rarely. Your dentist will help you on precautions to be taken on such a possibility.

• Lingual frenectomies quite often repeated in order to achieve the right balance to the mouth.

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