Top Tips How to Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresh

Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresh ~ Sometimes the fruits or vegetables that we buy at the market or supermarket within a few days to less fresh. Here are Tips For Fruits and Vegetables Stay Fresh. After washing fruits and vegetable, shake excess water from the lettuce and lay flat on some paper towels. Place lettuce wrapped in a Zip Lock plastic bags and lettuce should be the last for the next 70-10 days. Just take the lettuce when you need it!

Fridgesmart Tupperware containers that can store your vegetables and get them to last even longer. This container has two special hole that you leave it open or closed depending on the type of certain vegetables. Store your lettuce in Fridgesmart Tupperware and you'll be amazed how long it lasts your lettuce.

Vegetable and fruit crops are sometimes damaged after reaching the shelves. Washed, cut and sealed. lettuce is no longer maintained in its original form. By buying lettuce, has been hydrated in supermarkets and is still maintained. All you have to do is wash and keep it to myself.

Shelf in the fridge for a do not that for vegetables! Store your lettuce in the rack and it will stay fresh. No more wilted lettuce or slimy. Using a metal pan to keep the lettuce you just speed up "spoiled lettuce" process. Be sure to use a plastic bag or container for storage.

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