Allergy Drugs Can Cause Death

Allergy Drugs Can Cause Death Reviews ~ Drug allergy is very troublesome. If the drug was not taken, the disease will not be cured and is increasingly becoming, as if taken even cause allergies. What should I do? Research on allergy obah frequently done. Some studies reveal that unwanted reactions in drug use occurred at about 2% of the number of patients taking the drug. Allergic drug reactions are usually mild.

However, according to skin specialists and sex dr. Goddess Inong Irana, Sp.KK. in Jakarta, allergies who received the body not only because the drugs made from chemicals. Beverage supplements, herbal medicines and even herbal medicine, can cause allergic reactions. The indication was almost with a chemical drug. Goddess explain allergy is an exaggerated reaction against anything inserted into the body, including drugs. When drunk, there are processes in the body which ultimately lead to rejection sentisisasi who do not wear excessive body's own detriment.

Known drug allergies dangerous if it has reached a severe stage with signs such as ulcer in the oral cavity or the mucous membranes in the eye. Even if not treated immediately can cause death. Death due to allergy does not only occur in developing countries, but also in developed countries that sophisticated health facilities.

Reaction, it can be itching, shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, skin reactions accompanied by abnormalities in the gastrointestinal mucous membrane to Stevens Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal Nekrolizing (TEN). Reaction depends on the person, each person can be different, can not be predicted. Therefore do not be underrated.

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