Do You Need A Balance Bar Chocolate Mint Cookie Crunch?

Balance Bar Chocolate Mint Cookie Crunch - The scale bar has a tasty mint with chocolate biscuits that satisfies the sweet tooth and famine as much as possible! Total calories in this bar with dense nutrient content: 40% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 30% protein. Carbohydrates will provide you with the quick energy you need, and the good fat and protein can provide you with slow and sustainable energy. These high-quality rods offer protein 14, 23 vitamins and minerals and antioxidants of vitamin A, C and E.

Balance Bar Chocolate Mint Cookie Crunch

Go to the gold with this temptation, chocolate flavour, and the crunchy basic combination of biscuits that have to be. Update your taste buds and recharge energy with this nutritious feast.

Power in the blink of an eye:

200 calories

Protein 14

Fiber 2 G

Balanced 40-30-30 Meals

Low Diabetic Index (33)

23 Vitamins and Minerals

An excellent source of antioxidants

Peppermint Chocolate biscuit with 14 squirrels! Go to the gold with this temptation, chocolate flavour, and the crunchy basic combination of biscuits that have to be. Update your taste buds and recharge energy with this nutritious feast.

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