The Vegan Diet Is Healthy Or Not?

The Vegan Diet Is Healthy Or Not? Opinions Vs Facts and Real Studies

The debate about whether the vegan diet is healthy or not is not new. Most people will say that the person who adopts vegan be deficient in essential nutrients found only in animal products or animal proteins. These people appreciate the belief that cow's milk will help maintain strong bones and red meat provide essential protein for the muscles.
On the other hand, there is a small minority (2% 5% vegan and vegetarian) that give credence to the herbal diet cure his serious health problems, allowing them to lose excess weight clean your skin and allergies, and giving them an incredible zest for life.

The meat eaters vs. veggie eaters

Many studies indicate that red meat eaters are more likely to die prematurely than those who have little or no red meat. A study of 120,000 people in the United States found that red meat eaters are 20% more likely to die younger. Those who ate processed meats increased steadily, the rate of premature death of more than 20% higher.
Vegetarians eat less animal fat and cholesterol, while vegans do not eat animal fat or cholesterol. Professor T. Colin. Campbell (grew up on a dairy farm) concluded its experimental research program and a diet without dairy products meat can both prevent and reverse diseases of 70-80%!

Evidence of weight loss



Most meat and dairy products are high in fat and calories. For example, Lamb 100g contains approximately 294 calories and 21g of fat (9% saturated), while 100 g of cooked lentils contains only 128 calories and 6.5 g fat (0.8 g saturated). Lamb 0g food fibers, while 100 g of lenses contains 7.5 grams of dietary fiber.

The proof:

Angela Stokes ( "Raw Vegan Goddess Food 'AKA) lost more than 154lbs (70kg) in the diet of raw food vegans. This amazing woman once morbidly obese, indicating their weight loss and newfound zest for life in the raw food vegan diet and refuses to return the default path of American food! Why? The health benefits of vegan diet (particularly weight loss if Angela) are too large to give up.

Physical benefits

And again, people who adopt veganism proclaim that brightens your skin (acne, psoriasis, etc.), your eyes become white, hair becomes thicker and healthier, your nails become stronger, your energy levels and rocket your allergies disappear. The American Dietetic Association found that vegetarian or vegan diet is certainly well planned "nutritionally adequate" and can provide many health benefits and to treat or prevent certain diseases. Yes, a vegan diet "well planned" you provide a generous amount of essential vitamins and minerals, no doubt, health is bound to improve.
So is the vegan diet or not? The benefits to the vegan diet health become obvious after we adopt this lifestyle.

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