The human body was not designed to eat meat and dairy products certainly not, but for a friendly vegan diet plan. We have over 30 dissimilarities with carnivores, which are the similarities we share with herbivores in relation to our project. For example, our digestive system is a nice long plant. A true carnivore has a short digestive tract and the meat and in 3-7 hours. In humans, it takes three days to digest meat, giving you enough time to parasites hatch. It is in our instincts not to eat meat too. For example, if you saw a dead cow on grass, you would not begin to salivate and want to eat as well. A true carnivore would part away. The only way you want if you cooked in vegetable oils, and seasoned with herbs, etc..
Meat is high in saturated fat and not as clean as plants. Also, if your meat is not organic, grass fed, and outside, we must also deal with growth hormones, antibiotics and steroids. No wonder many people are angry and when we think vegans think refrigerated soft people. In addition, the meat is difficult to digest. Digestion takes most of your energy for the day. Milk, usually from a cow that is beaten given hormones, steroids and antibiotics, and cooking. All nutrients in milk has disappeared now, in fact, milk is acid. When it is found in your body, it is so acid that your body has to use its reserves calcium and magnesium as to neutralize the acidity. So, yes, the dairy actually depletes your body of calcium. Also dairy products is also rich in rancid fats and makes you gain weight very easily. Think about what milk is designed for baby cows. This baby cow pushes hundreds of pounds in their first year out of milk.
So you have to ask where get protein, calcium and vitamin B12 from a vegan diet? You can find lots of protein in green leaves, nuts, beans, algae and germs. You only need 5 to 10 percent of protein in your diet to build all the muscles you want and need. According to the World Health Organization require that 5% protein, and it was never a protein deficiency in case of any medical literature. Years of research and personal experience led me to believe that this whole protein advertising campaign is a marketing strategy by the meat industry. 5% of calories as protein and have no problem building muscle. In fact, since my protein is raw and therefore undenatured and more powerful, have a time of building much easier and maintaining muscle on a vegan diet.
Calcium can be found in abundance in its path raw and powerful in green vegetables. So if you just let some of this vitamin rich organic soil in your vegetables, you'll have your b12. A balanced diet vegan has all your nutrient requirements and is ideal for clean and friendly plant of the human body.
Thus, at the end of the day, you still want to eat a healthy vegan diet? A vegan diet is particularly high raw foods give you energy. Indeed, a high or complete vegan diet is nutrient-rich, easy to digest, and light. Energy is fun and makes it much more exciting. This is because you get nutrients and do not spend a lot of energy to digest heavy foods that are often loaded with toxins.
A vegan diet is rich in fiber, which helps keep you full and nutrients in order not to eat and eat and eat. In addition, plants are treated differently in the human body, because they were designed for a friendly vegan diet. When we eat animal products or the latest chemical and GMO toxins, the body does not know what to do with them so they often are stored as fat, particularly around the middle! How often do you see someone on a vegan diet, which is overweight?
Other reasons to go on a vegan diet, you delay aging. YES! How age is mostly under control, and genetics play a small part, but not all. Most of how you age is due to their diet, how you take care of yourself through exercise, sleep, hydration and how you handle stress. You are in control and you can be a hot grandma to 70 as Annette Larkins and many other hot elderly on a high or full raw vegan diet. A vegan diet rich in particular in raw fruits and vegetables have many nutrients and antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals and help delay aging.
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