Swine Flu and Neptune Conjunction Chiron Jupiter How Bad Will Be Flu in The US?

There are three planets traveling together in the sky the sign of Aquarius, an air sign, and a sign that has to do with the interconnection. The three planets are Neptune, Chiron, (asteroid) and Jupiter. Neptune; Lord of the seas, has dominion over drugs, alcohol, artists and water as it can corrode and weaken the structures if the immune system in people or foundations of a building. Chiron is called the wounded healer, whose function is to open a conscience to understand, often, this occurs after difficult times. Jupiter is the great advantage; one of Jupiter's functions is to expand.

Putting it all together means that the flu can be very common people and many injured at all borders, Aquarius is an air sign, and Neptune has no boundaries, so that the spread of diseases air original is symbolic for Neptune in Aquarius. When Neptune traveled Aquarius had a conversation about the resurgence of a major global epidemic, although bird flu was mentioned as the precursor. Now that Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Chiron, the wounded healer, are fellow travelers who witness the manifestation of swine flu and a possible pandemic. As if on cue swine flu made headlines at the beginning of the New Moon in Taurus and mid stations Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune.

Swine flu began in Mexico and spread across all continents. Table of Mexico several very difficult transits, (astrological influences) depicting the violence and the need for the country to transform corruption. This would certainly point to problems with the mafia linked to drug trafficking have yet another statement on the graph to problems with the general population. Moon governs the people in a country chart, Neptune Moon Midpoint (letter Mexico) Cancer 3 degrees, and Pluto Mexico is 2 degrees of cancer. TRANSIT (think of travel, when the planet is in the sky) Pluto is opposite the midpoint for the first time, and transit of Mars is squaring of these planets.

Stress directions in the letter Saturn would be for your Sun, Moon, or rule your sixth house, Neptune in your Sun, Moon, or rule of your home or sixth eclipse on your Sun or Moon. Neptune conjunction Jupiter Chiron other ways to interpret the symbols. The good side of this influence is a call to contribute and help the human race. Many astrologers recommended consciously work with the highest side of the energy of the planets in the hope of counteracting the decline.

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