Chicago Art Reviews

Founded in 1833, Chicago was the US city the third largest and most densely populated and one of the largest in the state of Illinois. Art in the city of Chicago, USA, is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Many artists from around the world come to Chicago to explore their creativity and gain cultural experience of the city. Several art galleries and local studios in the city, that artists use to show their talent. American art core always reflected in Chicago artists created paintings.


After American independence July 4, 1776, American art was limited only to create images. The Great Chicago Fire (8 to 10 October 1871), destroyed most parts of Chicago. One of the famous paintings of the period was "Flames - Chicago. World postwar (1939-1945), Chicago art revolutionized the American art scene.

The Chicago Imagist
A considerable part of Chicago artists called Chicago Imagist "broke the fields of traditional art to explore the" new "areas of deviant norms. They belonged to the" School of the Art Institute of Chicago. "These artists, mainly created images grotesque women, often surreal and totally innovative. Popular artists in this group were Ed Paschke (1939-2004), Barbara Rossi (born in 1940), Roger Brown (1942-1997), Christina Ramberg (1946- 1995), Eleanor Dube (born 1946) and Phil Hansen (born 1979). Chicago Imagist first exhibited his works at Hyde Park Center, Chicago, in late 1960 the event and soon paid the growing popularity Chicago Imagist helped transform the city as another capital of American art after New York. Chicago Art has always been ingenious, reflecting continued strength.

Art Culture in Chicago

The city of art several ways, catering to the majority of the public. In the north, the city has the Academy of Arts of Chicago for young talents to participate in various art programs. In the center is the Art Institute of Chicago, a great museum that exhibits the maximum collection of art in the city, more than 4500 items. The famous Chicago artwork is in Daley Plaza, where Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973) created a magnificent steel structure in 1967. Another famous creation to air is called "Flamingo", a 40 red node installation feet.

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