Business Opportunities In China

Economic growth - US exports to China are growing!

China is a huge opportunity for products and products import and export services. Although the attention of US companies exporting jobs to China and exports of US-China trade deficit of US goods and service companies to China is booming. This growth in exports to China is not only large US companies like Motorola, GE, DuPont, United Technologies, etc. Small and medium businesses are booming in exporting to China.

Attractive markets - Market China Business Opportunities Span Broad Range!

In addition to the much publicized growth of agribusiness, construction and power export to China, there are significant market opportunities for US companies to export to China Industrial, Medical, Telecommunications , Machine tools, Environment, Infrastructure, and Security markets leisure - to name some of the best prospects for the export market. China encourages more business partnerships with US companies. In 2006, the President of China, Hu Jintao held for 200 Chinese managers to visit the United States on a shopping excursion. In addition, most states have sales offices to boost trade with China.

Manufacturing in China - a huge potential to be competitive at a world level!

China remains the fate of the world for foreign investment. In addition to the support of the Chinese government for US companies interested in expanding in China, there is an emergence of Chinese companies to facilitate successful entry into the US C
ompany in China.

For US companies, taking advantage of competitive labor market in China, incentives and expansion of local investment markets can be dramatic - especially with uncertain local market conditions.

Nearly customers - to improve service to customers located in China!

Before the entry into China to the WTO, China imported US prevented the distribution of their goods companies or the provision of repair / maintenance locations in China. Now China US allows businesses to support local and imported products in China. This provides flexibility on how to provide logistical support to customers in China, such as:

Chinese local trade partnership CompaniesJV CompaniesForeign invested commercial enterprise (FICE) owned foreign enterprise (WOFE) Due to the complexity of procurement and logistics of China's special features to maximize service to customers in China, small and medium businesses benefit from having a local Chinese partner for local manufacture, import and marketing in China.

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