America and China Can Become Real Allies?

Many economists, military analysts and security experts all saw a new nation advancing on the military, economic and technological spectrum. The nation is the People's Republic of China. China has a larger population than the United States, totaling 1.3 billion, compared with a population of only 330 million US. China's GDP will surpass the United States in the near future. In the 1970s, the main threat to US security is not China, was the Soviet Union. During the Cold War, the US used a containment strategy against the Soviet Union. The United States implemented numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism. Ultimately, the response of the United States to Soviet expansion (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) NATO. Fundamental role of NATO was to maintain throughout Europe and Canada as a united military alliance. In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. Many former Soviet states joined the military alliance, trying to recreate the original borders of the Soviet Union.

The strategy that the United States used against the Soviet Union and now uses against China is not a new concept. Why not the US allow China has similar military capabilities? The United States believe that no nation should become a superpower? States STATES should not allow China to improve the naval capacity to defend its eastern coast?

American success containment slowly chip used in the Soviet Union, which lasts a successful analysis. This strategy has hindered foreign influence in China and quarantined.

China, on the other hand, has an extremely universal international economy. The Soviet Union was virtually no foreign direct investment (FDI) in it; China has the largest on the planet. If the United States has used the same strategy against China, would actually force China to implode like the Soviet Union did? China's trading partners would allow the Chinese economy to fail? If the government / Chinese economy has failed, what is the cost to the global economy?

For China to see the United States as a potential ally, the two nations should recognize each other as partners rather than rivals. While China accept the US as a partner, especially if she has other major allies? NATO and Australia, New Zealand, the Security Treaty of the United States (ANZUS) are still considered key allies of the United States. To China's eyes, NATO / ANZUS will be considered the only priority of the United States and China will see as a major obstacle. This strategy shows Russia and China that NATO / ANZUS has no interest in expanding to the east. At the same time, China see as a reliable and stable alliance with a limited system expansion. NATO's expansion / ANZUS could irritate Russia and China to a point where he can use the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to isolate the United States

The US should fully understand the entire containment strategy against China is regarded by the Chinese as a threat to its national security. Taiwan arms increases angering China. In addition, US military facilities in Japan, South Korea and Afghanistan are increasingly irritating China. There was a discussion about the most naval exercises by the US military to be held in the South China Sea. Some military experts believe that the United States may also consider changing military installations in other former Soviet side-State China. This strategy would allow the Chinese to realize that the United States does not seek to avoid the Chinese influence in Taiwan. Though war brought out between China and Taiwan; the attempt of the US to save Taiwan? The US should consider restructuring its military presence in Japan and South Korea; This shows that China US military presence does not intend to harm China.

The United States faces a huge problem of armaments and military units, which is the illegal copying of manufacturing military hardware. China is able to reverse engineer and rebuild successful US aircraft, engines and other weapons. A good analogy would be if China had bases in Cuba, Canada and Mexico. Cyberwar is a huge setback for the United States and China. cyber attacks occur daily between the two nations. The United States will eventually have to recognize China as an ally and a partner, not a military rival. If the US has China as an ally, many humanitarian missions and the fight against terrorism would be helped by China. A beneficial concept for the U.S. and China; encourage the implementation of other joint exercises. These would take place in international waters, US waters and Chinese waters. The United States will allow China to let / use US Military Bases / Facilities. Regarding the economy, many economists argue that the manipulation of China's currency could lead to a trade war and potentially exacerbate conflict between the US and China. The theory behind this is to directly challenge the impending economic dominance of China in the western world. Many believe that China and the United States should not allow the other to invest in another. The United States and China needs to significantly increase foreign direct investment (FDI) in the other. The United States benefit from China to invest in their business, government, military infrastructure. Are China and Japan invest in the other in the 1920s? Yes, China will face the same huge problem; it needs to become independent of energy more than the United States! Progress will occur in solar technologies / wind, artificial intelligence, surveillance, nanotechnology, battery technology and other technologies. The United States and China, both heavily dependent on each other as they would have to enable this system to work. US companies are outsourcing work to China to reduce costs of labor.
Containment policy has always created wars. Repairs to the United States should pay? (Remember the US has a huge trade deficit and a national debt that is China.) Preventing China and the United States become adversaries and enable them to become trusted partners, ethical and trustworthy.

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