We know that our universe; However, only this knowledge did not meet the research of all mankind for a better understanding. Our curiosity led us to the question of our place in the universe and also the place of the universe itself. Over time, we asked the same questions: How did the universe begin? What is the age of our universe? We have, however, come a long way since the early days of mystical cosmology and study the origins of this vast universe. Through understanding of modern science, we were able to provide some farms theories for some answers once called assumptions. It will be important to keep in mind that all this information is constantly questioned and re-evaluated in order to understand the universe more clearly. As we know nothing is static in our universe, even those theories. For our purposes, through a review of what is known about the Big Bang itself, the age of the universe, and the synthesis of the first carbon, we believe that we can start to answer many of these key issues .
One of the most asked was constantly questions: How was the universe created? It is a very complex issue. With the creation of the Big Bang theory, however, could not the universe considered as infinite. The universe was forced to take on the properties of a finite phenomenon, with a history and a beginning.
There are about 15 billion years ago a tremendous explosion started the expansion of the universe. This explosion is known as the Big Bang. The point of this event all the matter and energy of space was contained at one point. What existed prior to this event is completely unknown and is a matter of pure speculation. This event was not a conventional explosion but rather an event to fill the space with all the particles of the embryonic universe away from each other. The Big Bang consisted of an explosion of the space itself, unlike a bomb blast fragments were are discarded. Galaxies are not all clustered, but the Big Bang lay the foundations of the universe.
The origin of the Big Bang theory can be attributed to Edwin Hubble. Hubble observed that the universe is constantly expanding. He found that the speed of a galaxy is proportional to its distance. This observation means that all galaxies have the same amount of time to move from a common starting position to your current position.
Since the Big Bang, the universe is expanding continuously and therefore there has been more and more distance between galaxy clusters. As light from distant galaxies near the earth there is more space between the Earth and the galaxy, which leads to the wavelengths being stretched.
In addition to understanding the speed of galaxies from a single point, there is no other evidence of the big bang. In 1964, two astronomers, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, in an attempt to detect microwaves from space inadvertently discovered extraterrestrial noise. The discovery of radioactive following the initial explosion lent a lot of credibility to the Big Bang theory.
More recently, NASAs COBE was able to detect the cosmic microwave from the ends of the universe. These microwaves were remarkably uniform illustrated the homogeneity of the early universe. However, the satellite also found that the way the universe began to cool and was still growing, small fluctuations began to exist due to temperature differences. These flucuatuations verified previous calculations of cooling and the possible development of the universe a split second after its creation. These fluctuations of the universe have provided a more detailed description of the first moments after the Big Bang. They also helped to tell the story of the formation of galaxies which will be discussed in the next chapter.
The Big Bang theory provides a viable solution to one of the most urgent questions of all time. As more observations are made and more research conducted, the Big Bang theory becomes more complete and our knowledge of the origins of the universe more substantial.
In short, we have made a first attempt to explain the answers that science has revealed about our universe. Our understanding of the Big Bang is obviously incomplete. As time passes, more discoveries are made, which leads to endless questions that still need more answers. Dissatisfied with our research base of knowledge is conducted all over the world at this time to deepen our basic understanding of the incredibly complex universe.
Since its creation, the Big Bang theory was constantly questioned. Recently, NASA has made surprising discoveries which provide proof of the Big Bang theory. More importantly, astronomers using the Astro-2 observatory were able to confirm one of the conditions for the creation of the universe from the Big Bang. In June 1995, scientists were able to detect the primordial helium, such as deuterium, in the confines of the universe. These results are consistent with an important aspect of the big bang theory that a mixture of hydrogen and helium were created in the early universe.
In addition, the Hubble telescope, named after the father of the Big Bang theory, provided some clues about what elements were present next creation. Astronomers use Hubble discovered the element boron in very old stars. They postulate that their presence could be a vestige of energy events in the birth of galaxies or could indicate that boron is even older, dating back to the Big Bang itself. If the latter is true, scientists are forced again to modify his theory to the birth of the universe and events immediately after because, according to this theory, such a heavy and complex atom could exist.
Our thirst for knowledge is never satisfied. So to answer the question: The path we take from here will be determined by our own discoveries and questions. We are involved in an endless cycle of questions and answers, where we are going inevitably to another.
We know that our universe; However, only this knowledge did not meet the research of all mankind for a better understanding. Our curiosity led us to the question of our place in the universe and also the place of the universe itself. Over time, we asked the same questions: How did the universe begin? What is the age of our universe? We have, however, come a long way since the early days of mystical cosmology and study the origins of this vast universe. Through understanding of modern science, we were able to provide some farms theories for some answers once called assumptions. It will be important to keep in mind that all this information is constantly questioned and re-evaluated in order to understand the universe more clearly. As we know nothing is static in our universe, even those theories. For our purposes, through a review of what is known about the Big Bang itself, the age of the universe, and the synthesis of the first carbon, we believe that we can start to answer many of these key issues .
One of the most asked was constantly questions: How was the universe created? It is a very complex issue. With the creation of the Big Bang theory, however, could not the universe considered as infinite. The universe was forced to take on the properties of a finite phenomenon, with a history and a beginning.
There are about 15 billion years ago a tremendous explosion started the expansion of the universe. This explosion is known as the Big Bang. The point of this event all the matter and energy of space was contained at one point. What existed prior to this event is completely unknown and is a matter of pure speculation. This event was not a conventional explosion but rather an event to fill the space with all the particles of the embryonic universe away from each other. The Big Bang consisted of an explosion of the space itself, unlike a bomb blast fragments were are discarded. Galaxies are not all clustered, but the Big Bang lay the foundations of the universe.
The origin of the Big Bang theory can be attributed to Edwin Hubble. Hubble observed that the universe is constantly expanding. He found that the speed of a galaxy is proportional to its distance. This observation means that all galaxies have the same amount of time to move from a common starting position to your current position.
Since the Big Bang, the universe is expanding continuously and therefore there has been more and more distance between galaxy clusters. As light from distant galaxies near the earth there is more space between the Earth and the galaxy, which leads to the wavelengths being stretched.
In addition to understanding the speed of galaxies from a single point, there is no other evidence of the big bang. In 1964, two astronomers, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, in an attempt to detect microwaves from space inadvertently discovered extraterrestrial noise. The discovery of radioactive following the initial explosion lent a lot of credibility to the Big Bang theory.
More recently, NASAs COBE was able to detect the cosmic microwave from the ends of the universe. These microwaves were remarkably uniform illustrated the homogeneity of the early universe. However, the satellite also found that the way the universe began to cool and was still growing, small fluctuations began to exist due to temperature differences. These flucuatuations verified previous calculations of cooling and the possible development of the universe a split second after its creation. These fluctuations of the universe have provided a more detailed description of the first moments after the Big Bang. They also helped to tell the story of the formation of galaxies which will be discussed in the next chapter.
The Big Bang theory provides a viable solution to one of the most urgent questions of all time. As more observations are made and more research conducted, the Big Bang theory becomes more complete and our knowledge of the origins of the universe more substantial.
In short, we have made a first attempt to explain the answers that science has revealed about our universe. Our understanding of the Big Bang is obviously incomplete. As time passes, more discoveries are made, which leads to endless questions that still need more answers. Dissatisfied with our research base of knowledge is conducted all over the world at this time to deepen our basic understanding of the incredibly complex universe.
Since its creation, the Big Bang theory was constantly questioned. Recently, NASA has made surprising discoveries which provide proof of the Big Bang theory. More importantly, astronomers using the Astro-2 observatory were able to confirm one of the conditions for the creation of the universe from the Big Bang. In June 1995, scientists were able to detect the primordial helium, such as deuterium, in the confines of the universe. These results are consistent with an important aspect of the big bang theory that a mixture of hydrogen and helium were created in the early universe.
In addition, the Hubble telescope, named after the father of the Big Bang theory, provided some clues about what elements were present next creation. Astronomers use Hubble discovered the element boron in very old stars. They postulate that their presence could be a vestige of energy events in the birth of galaxies or could indicate that boron is even older, dating back to the Big Bang itself. If the latter is true, scientists are forced again to modify his theory to the birth of the universe and events immediately after because, according to this theory, such a heavy and complex atom could exist.
Our thirst for knowledge is never satisfied. So to answer the question: The path we take from here will be determined by our own discoveries and questions. We are involved in an endless cycle of questions and answers, where we are going inevitably to another.
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