Photoshop GIMP The Poor Man

Many digital cameras come with a utility to download photos from your camera to your computer. Often, the photo editing software that came with your camera or below to be effective in the post-production workflow, or have been given a trial version of an expensive software. Otherwise, many people buy a large package of stills which can cost almost as much as the device itself. There is a solution that will cost you absolutely nothing but a little time with a software application called the GNU Image Manipulation Program, affectionately known as GIMP.

GIMP is available for Unix, Windows and Macintosh. This does not mean a reduced version of an expensive application and there are no limitations to the use of the program. GIMP was packed for open source Unix environment, meaning a global effort was made by very talented programmers to build and package the application. It was a real selfless effort and the package was never intended to be placed on the commercial market.

If you used Photoshop in the past, then you will immediately notice how familiar feel GIMP. The toolbox, layers and channels are relatively the same places you are used to. A quick visit to menu functions and you will find everything where it belongs, and similar language. GIMP suit most of your post-production editing, you will probably need. For example, you can add layers to change elements, using curves and levels to make corrections quickly color, apply masks to modify and copy items, apply a variety of filters, removing red eye, cropping , you name it, you can do it with GIMP.

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