What is YouTube? How to Use

What is YouTube? How to Use

With today's technology, we have the ability to share videos on the Internet. YouTube is a video sharing website where users can view and post videos, comment on videos, join groups, etc. 

Essentially, YouTube is a social network with the ability to view and post videos. YouTube allows paid advertising for companies and allows businesses to get their names out there for free. There are millions of potential viewers worldwide (more than 200 million video views per day) that are able to display videos.

Think of your video

Let's say the overall goal is to post a video that will help promote your business in some way - even if it is by publishing a tutorial, a company some tips for your particular business, etc.

How to configure your YouTube videos

Then you are ready to use YouTube. You have all these great videos you're ready to share with the cyber world, but what's next? First, you want to visit YouTube.com. This is YouTube. Follow the steps to create your account and you're ready to share your videos with far.

Before attempting to post your videos, remember that there are certain requirements must follow each video to be posted on YouTube.

The following is a guide for beginners download a video on YouTube:

The first thing you need to upload a video is click the "Upload Videos". These are located in the upper right corner of the page and nearly every page on YouTube.

Then you will be asked to briefly describe your video. You must first enter a title and description for your video. After the description section there is a box to enter tags for your video. Tags are keywords that will help your video is based off what the search user. After the tags section, you should select a category and language to put your video. The next page asks you if you want your video is available to the public or private. Then click "Upload video." Once you find the video, select it and your video will be broadcast live in minutes.

Getting people to watch the video

The video you just posted is a hidden gem among the sea of ​​the Internet. A very simple way to get people to see your video is to create a link to your business website to your YouTube video, or integrated YouTube video on your own website. Remember, the more exposure to video, the better. A great tactic that many companies use promotes a kind of contest through your YouTube account. YouTube also allows users many ways to get people to your video. When you originally signed up for YouTube, you have created a channel. In other words, if you signed up as "Business 1", there is now a "Business Channel 1" on YouTube. This list can consist of videos that you send or other downloaded you saw and you want to share videos with others. The video sharing someone else can, in turn, encourage them to share your video.

On that note, in all the videos (unless this option is disabled), there is a section for comments. Commenting on other video is an excellent tool to promote your business. Keep in mind, this does not mean someone comment on the video "Check my video ...". What you want to do is comment on a video users is related to the theme of your video. A comment like "cool video", "good job", etc., will not gain any attention. There are also the following options on YouTube to help get your video out there: the emails / messages, newsletters, chat and classification. Blendtec became a sensation on the Internet, primarily through YouTube. Blendtec is a company that sells heavy mixers. They created a simple series, inexpensive video (first video cost them $ 50 total) on YouTube showing how their work mixers. Series names "This mix?" Here the number of views of a couple of these videos received: glowsticks 6.9 million views, iPhone: 9 million views, golf balls 5.9 million views, magnets 2.7 million views baseball: 1.4 million times. According to CEO Tom Dickinson in his interview with inc.com, the company fired more than 700% in value because of the videos.

The interview can be read: here

As the example above shows, the growth potential for your company because of the promotion of YouTube video is unlimited. It is important to remember that YouTube allows you to promote the FREE video. Reach the right audience, come with interesting videos, creative and stay with it. Use all the tools YouTube provides for you to get the video output. Promote / Embed / link of your video with all you can.

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