The Reason: Why There will never be a Fable 2 PC Port?

Why There will never be a Fable 2 PC Port?

Since Fable 2 was released for the Xbox 360, fans have asked the developer to create a PC version of the successful sequel. In 2010 Fable 3 was released for console systems and the PC version of Fable 3 will be released in 2011.

Fans of looking back to the original game and there was a version of the console and PC. This has lead fans to see if there was not a Fable 2 PC release to date, there will never be?

When the first Fable was released on the console systems, the original developer realized they had such a successful game.

This game was originally released on the console systems as well. But for some reason, a version of the computer game was not released later. Then in 2010 came Fable 3 and version tracking data in 2011.
To date, Fable 2 still only have a console version of the game. In 2009, the Lionhead Studios said the result had also been so successful that it was eventually forced the game port on the PC.

That same year, a member of Lionhead Studios development team was quoted as saying that the team does not currently working on Fable 2 PC port and there is no intention to do so.

If Lionhead Studios never returns to create a computer version of the suite, would not be the first developer to abandon a particular gaming platform in the middle of a series of games.

The developer of Gears of War, Epic, did the same thing too. When the first Gears of War game was released for consoles they also released a PC version of the game. But when they created later, Gears of War 2, said the community of players who had no intention of creating a version the computer game, ever.

All this information brings us to why there will never Fable 2 PC version created by the developer. Lionhead Studios has released the third game of the series. There will never Fable 2 PC version.

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