Fable 2 Extra Help

There are many Fable 2 expressions. Fable 2 expressions are actions or expressions that your character does. You can use expressions to gain the favor of the inhabitants of the city. You can learn these expressions for lending books. First, we have the Fable 2 Expressions - Rascal (ideal for ladies)

Kiss kick - Fable 2 This phrase is learned in 2500 renamed

Come Back to My Place - is available for fiction burns or Oakfield
demon door

Heroic Pose - This Fable 2 Expression is learned in childhood

The collection line (great for ladies) - What is learned during adolescence

Seduce - This expression Fable 2 becomes available in Fictions burning in adulthood

Whistle - This Fable 2 The term is also learned during childhood.

You must purchase boodstore burns fiction and find on the top floor shelf.

Fable 2 Next expressions - funny expressions (these make people laugh or sometimes see it as "their immature stages.")

Dance - learned during adolesence

Fart - This entertaining Fable 2 Expression is learned during the corse of childhood.

Hat, Headband, Mustache - while one of the many expressions of games Fable 2 Pub on Xbox Live Arcade.

Laugh - What is learned by 50 percent good character

Sock Puppet - Available in fiction burns during adulthood

Arm Pump Victory - This Fable 2 Expression is learned in childhood

Then Fable 2 expressions - frightening expressions (these expressions scare people)

Bloodlust Roar - What is learned during childhood

Extort - learned 100 percent Morality wrong.

Feign Attack - This is one of Fable 2 is different expressions. go and play Fable 2 expressions Tale Hero.

Growl - This is learned in childhood.

Scary Laugh - learned to 10.000 Fame

Tapa - What is learned in adolesence

Threatening - This Fable 2 Expression learned 50 percent Morality wrong.

Next Fable 2 expressions - social expressions (to create a trade)

Apologize - This Fable 2 Expression will come to 25% good moral

Distribute - This is one of the expressions Fable 2 is taught in 100 fame

Praise Dog / Thumbs up - is learned in childhood

Dog Scold / Thumbs Down - What is learned during childhood.

Follow - Expression monitoring Fable 2 is taught in 100 of fame too.

Present - For this, buy a lute from a dealer

Trophy - Fable 2 expressions for the trophy are learned after obtaining his first trophy - Thag Head

Finally, Fable 2 expressions are - very unpleasant expressions (most people prefer that you do not use them)

BEG - learned during adolescence your character

Chicken - Fable 2 Expression, chicken, it is learned in childhood

Kiss my Butt ... - What is learned at 20.000 Fame

Off - This is becoming available in Fiction burns in adulthood

The dead - This Fable 2 Expression is available in fiction burns in adulthood

Points & Laughs - is learned in childhood

Vulgar Thrust - The Vulgar thrust is available in Fiction Burns and can be as a reward.

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