A Simple Tutorial on How to Link Facebook to Your WordPress Blog

With nearly 60 million WordPress users, many who also have their own Facebook pages, many people want to know how Facebook Connect for WordPress. The first question is what this means exactly - Connecting Facebook for WordPress? Well, actually there are some steps that you should take to fully integrate Facebook in our WordPress Blogs.

Fortunately this can be easily achieved using a pair of free WordPress Widgets plugins. This tutorial will explain exactly what connects the Facebook for WordPress and involves an overview of plugins and widgets necessary to achieve this goal. Also go exactly how to configure plug-ins and widgets to give your WordPress blog and Facebook page a huge blow to social thumb!

The 3 different ways we can connect Facebook for WordPress

There are many ways we can connect Facebook for WordPress. To become fully integrated our blogs should contain the following:

1. Having the ability to easily post summaries of our blogs to Facebook

2. Having a place that advertises your FB page on your WordPress blog for people of taste

3. Have the opportunity for visitors to "Like" your individual blog posts

Publishing blogs and Facebook Commenting 2 way

Let me explain. Part 1 simply means that when you write a new message, you want a "click of a button" simple process of publishing a summary of your post on Facebook, with a link back to Facebook so that people can read all your post.

Part 2 means that when someone comments on Facebook, this comment is posted on its blog site and vice versa.

Using Facebook for WordPress Wordbooker link

Wordbooker is an absolutely beautiful plugin with unlimited flexibility. There are basically two main options:

- Automatic or manual Start Blogs on Facebook

- Comment 2 channels, 1 comment or not comment lane way

Recommend the manual release, you do not want to accidentally posting messages on Facebook or publish an unfinished message and commented 2 way, as this increases the popularity designed for WP and FB which is never a bad thing! Dig.

Installation and Authorization Wordbooker with Facebook

First, go ahead and install the plugin. You WordPress panel, go to the plugins, and install a new plugin Wordbooker search plugin (activated after you have installed)

The next thing we need to do is to allow Wordbooker contact your Facebook page. Wordbooker click the Settings menu to open the main configuration screen.

After clicking "Authorize Wordbooker", you will be directed to the Facebook login page. Connect on Facebook and you will be greeted with a screen that allows you to authorize Wordbooker to display on your Facebook page. Click "Go to App" and then click "Allow" from the next page.

After clicking permission, you will be redirected to your WordPress blog. To complete the connection of Wordbooker to Facebook, click the "Refresh this page" and you should be redirected to the General Settings page Wordbooker.

Wordbooker setting to publish blogs on Facebook and synchronization Comments

The best thing about Wordbooker is how easy it is to use! As mentioned, I prefer to put their hands in Facebook. Post to Facebook is performed by the page you compile your posts in WordPress. Scroll down to see your post Wordbooker options. There are many boxes to check here:

- First check "Publish this post to Facebook"

- Check the box to the wall you want to publish

- Check all 3 boxes to allow the past to comment on 2 channels (optional)

The only thing left to do is update your page and posts it to Facebook Wordbooker:

Tip: You can insert a highlighted image and Wordbooker pull this image Facebook too!

Facebook for WordPress link through a sidebar Widget

Then we'll turn the Facebook for WordPress via a sidebar widget cool. It gives your website visitors the possibility to you on Facebook and join your network of friends. Every time we make a new post on our blog, and publish it to Facebook - all your friends will have an update on your page - for more friends or fans you have on Facebook, the largest public you can share your blog with.

We need to give your website visitors an easy and obvious way to join your Facebook network for optimal growth of their fan base. The widget is called "Facebook social plugin" search through your WordPress dashboard and install the same way as we did the Wordbooker plugin. Turn and take a look at your available widgets (for appearance, Widgets).

You will see some additional options that you want to drag your sidebar is called "Facebook Like Box". Once you drag your sidebar, you must turn to draw from your Facebook page - the settings are minimal and quite obvious - just do not forget to enter your Facebook URL and click Save. Facebook link for WordPress - get the taste of visitors to your messages

The last way we can connect Facebook for WordPress is by getting your visitors to link, in fact, to their messages via their Facebook accounts. Wordbooker has a function for this, but there is another small plugin that also allows visitors the option tweet, post on Google +1, Pinterest, delicious and a number of other social platforms.

The plugin is called "Shareaholic." Access the plugin Shareaholic and click where it says "Please visit the Plugin Options ...", then click "Enable Shareaholic." Click Enable Sexy Bookmarks, which allows me to choose social media platforms let my visitors to share my posts on.

Select the media platforms that you want to allow your visitors to post, go to the bottom of the options page and click Save.
Lier Facebook for WordPress Summary
Well, that's all there is to it! These are the 4 key stages of the full integration of Facebook for WordPress and increase the popularity of your blog! Many blog theme designers now recognize the importance of integrating social media into the design of your blog, and as such, most of the themes come with configurable options to enter your Facebook and other platforms social Platforms.

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