Key Food Items that Contribute to Food Poisoning

If there is such a thing as the incidence of food poisoning, there is no certainty that it is a poison taxpayer.

Think about people who are nausea and vomiting, painful abdominal cramps with the passage of loose stools every 15 minutes, accompanied by headache, muscle and joint pain. The first question he would ask the patient is the food he eats.

The first food poisoning employee is of course the food. The food is destroyed or if you use a rancid butter on it? Sometimes, because of hunger, people eat or drink something that smells and tastes "different." Sometimes, too, the food you have eaten half was done. The next question is to ask a patient is where he got the food? We want to know why we want to ask if there are other people suffering the same symptoms just because they ate the same food. Maybe the kitchen or factory are preparing the products they sell has been inspected and approved for operation again. In addition, you workers of that establishment are carriers of diseases that can be transmitted to the food they prepare, if they practice poor hygiene. As the food was prepared was a contributor of food poisoning.

The next contributing food poisoning is how food is stored so that in case of a surplus. Most microorganisms like room temperature so that they can grow and reproduce. Food poisoning collaborator final and most important is the person who ate the food (the patient). Maybe you have poor hygiene practices. This means that it does not practice hand washing before eating or he ignored the fact that the food was or had an odor, or has not been properly covered.

Secondly, in the defense of the victim, some microorganisms such as Salmonella do not alter the taste and smell of food (unless it was destroyed). There is food poisoning many taxpayers. The key here is to avoid any incidents to ensure that connections from the food preparation until it was consumed should be hygienic and done safely. A break in the link predisposes the consumer to know the signs and symptoms of unpleasant food poisoning.

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