Food Poisoning Information

OR food poisoning occurs when a person consumes food that has spoiled the dangerous and unhealthy bacteria there. The CDC estimates that causes food poisoning 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths each year.

Although there are about 250 diseases that can infect people through food, there are two main types, overall food poisoning.
One way is "infectious agents", such as viruses, bacteria and parasites. One of the best ways to prevent food poisoning is through the high levels of sanitation and hygiene.
Because food poisoning is so complex, there are 250 types of food poisoning disease, and there are plenty of "infectious agents" there are many symptoms and effects of food poisoning. A partial symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain nausea headache nausea (either aqueous and cramps and bloody and even mucusy) ​​internal inflammation fever muscle aches renal organs vision blurred speech problems physical weakness death

There are many ways in which doctors can test for food poisoning. Furthermore, blood tests are common and may used. Finally, physicians can choose a rectal examination as well. While food poisoning is a complex problem, there are many ways people can avoid it. When buying, they can avoid purchasing packages that seem to open or torn, wait until the end of your shopping trip to buy items frozen or cold and take them home immediately and avoid contact between raw foods (such as meat) and other foods. Also, before working with raw food, it is essential to wash hands before and after handling. In addition, people can take a number of steps when cooked your food to avoid food poisoning. When cooking meat, the meat must use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the meat. Sometimes people who are poisoned by food has no control over if they are poisoned or not. The leaders may not have completely cooked food. They or others dealing with food can not be thoroughly washed their hands after using the toilet and before and after handling food. The restaurant may have spoiled ingredients. Whatever the reason, the person who gets sick from food poisoning may have been sick because of other errors.

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