Japanese Food Pyramid

Japanese Food Pyramid Reviews

Everyone knows that food pyramid. In the US, there is the Department of Agriculture food pyramid detailing the healthiest options for Western-style nutrition.

The food pyramid is usually a graphic simulation of the foods you should eat in several different categories. Japanese food pyramid is the same, except it comes to Japanese food.

The bottom of the pyramid Japanese food includes all grains that are available. Japanese food pyramid has a section for vegetables, allowing you to eat between 3:05 seconds a day and a section for fruit which allows 2 to 4 servings per day.

Going up a level, there are two sections, one section for dairy products and another section for meat. The section also includes meat of fish, crab, squid, and even tofu.

The final section, the upper section of the pyramid of Japanese food includes all foods that are only to be used sparingly. This section is for fats, oils and sweets.

Traditional Japanese cuisine offers excellent nutritional value. You can always replace the traditional white rice, with every type of meal you can start today.

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