Savate Learn Martial Arts Training Videos You Should Know ~ like weapons. Savate operates by means of a combination of elements of Western and kick boxing techniques graceful. Beginners can now learn the basics of Savate through martial arts training videos.
Video training martial art Savate teach the beginner how to kick feet, which are using the only possible form of attack - without shins or knees. The competition in Savate, it's only four types of stairs and four types of punches. The penalty consists of a guard, chasse, times and low stairs. The chasse is the front or calcium-action piston low, average or high. The opposite is a calcium coupling, which comes into contact with the sole of the shoe and can be low, medium or high. The low calcium is calcium front or sweeping can run, which comes into contact with the inside edge of the shoe, and is equipped with a lean characteristic.
Video training mixed martial arts, the three levels of competition in modern Savate, which include assault, pre-combat and combat. The level of pre-fight will allow you to take part in the fight at full strength, as long as you and your opponent is wearing protective gear such as helmets and shin guards. Unlike other martial art forms that provide color ribbon as their classification systems, training for Savate you the colors of the gloves. Blue, green, red, white and yellow: if you on the train to get to the next level. You need a yellow glove rank and especially if you want to compete. The highest savateur (for men) or savateuse (for women) is a silver glove.
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