Google Analytics is an analytics business-class solution offered free of charge by Google. Google Analytics generates detailed statistics about visitors and web traffic on a web site. Google Analytics monitors how visitors found your site, including exact keyword searches on various search engines, and what other websites are related to accessing your traffic. Google Analytics allows you to monitor the effectiveness of your marketing programs, email marketing, pay-per-click networks, pay for organic search and more.
Google Analytics is built into Google AdWords. AdWords is an ad for your business appearing on the Google search results page and its ad network on a pay per click basis; This means you only pay Google an advertising fee if your ads can click to direct them to your site.
Use Google Analytics along with optimized AdWords campaigns for your online marketing to track the quality of landing page goals and conversion. By using Google Analytics, you can determine which ads work well and minimize they do not provide information or choose the right keywords for AdWords campaigns.
The following are key features of Google Analytics:
Google Analytics allows you to compare your site performance data over two different time periods. It also allows you to capture the data instantly get a better image for your site. Shows the performance of your site based on region, city, or country metrics.
Enter places and search results metrics are the basic features of all analysis programs, but with Google Analytics, you can not only get statistics, send the number of visitors to a link partner, but the quality of the traffic.
Once you have your business goals, for example, sales and marketing, the Google Analytics setting is able to identify and control over large amounts of data about what works and what does not in marketing strategy.
Google Analytics allows full integration of AdWords. Specifically, you can use any of these sites and see the number of views, clicks, costs, conversions, etc.
It allows you to put the extended features into your Google Analytics dashboard in the mood to adjust. Google Analytics shows the popularity and effectiveness of each link on every page of your site. This powerful reports and maps show the effectiveness of your site design in an optical model.
The Google Analytics navigation summary shows you where your users go to the homepage, or how most of them come to your contact page. Google Analytics shows you what keyword search people find your website. If some keywords prove heat, you can shop with AdWords keywords, content, and bids to look at them. The measurement of search engine traffic is to send the search engines the most traffic to your site and how good it is to turn into sales. This helps you optimize your marketing and SEO spending. In addition to the aforementioned reasons Google Analytics also has a "Finder Report" you are looking to help archived your reports will help you to see your site's abandonment rate over time, it shows the speed of your data connection help determine how to Prioritize and optimize the design and time of your site loading and more.
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