After Their Campaign Subcontracting with Google Docs

During the execution of a call center that works with small campaigns and several businessmen who saw a number of ways people manage the information flow with contract workers. Some borders on consumption and the ridiculous time. An example is a client who wanted to call to verify the addresses, and then have all the information that the client is manually entered Later, he realized that his process was flawed and could triple results, keep track of everything in a Google Docs spreadsheet and upload mass every week.

Our country making appointments

Its new search widget company customers and you decide the best way to get them is to make a appointment setting campaign. You found an outsourcing company based in the Philippines by and is ready to begin an experimental campaign for a month with an agent to call 40 hours per week.
Registration is all you have to provide the agent to get the campaign started and make it work. Some entries may include a script, rebuttals, call lists and everything to keep track of all the daily progress of the campaign.

For brevity, guess you're pretty familiar with Google Docs and most of its basic characteristics. In most cases, if you used MS Office functionality should make sense to you.
A couple of good resources are:

Now to configure the inputs and make sure you have all your agent, recommend the use of records. This has made things easier and allows you to compartmentalize the other tasks of your outsourced employee. In the folder, you can add documents and they will be shared with the employee automatically.

This campaign can start with four shared documents. The lead list (with the agent notes column), a script with replies to common objections, a FAQ document business / industry and the process of the threat of weapons of doc walk the agent through what they need make.

These are items that you need the agent to give you. In our example, these are appointments with companies interested in learning more about your widgets. There are two basic ways that used to deliver leads to an account with Google Docs. The first concerns the use of the notes column in your mailing contact sheet. The agent can simply write the date and time of the appointment, and if you are so inclined, use color coding to appointments easily visible. A second method is to create a web form GD. The form includes all the information needed for appointment to a call and can be configured to be visible as a spreadsheet GD, Web page, or export directly to Excel. Recommend if you have multiple people receiving commitments because they can sort and color code as needed, without confusing the process, the agent uses.

Google Docs is an excellent tool for outsourcing, but its just a tool. You must put in the time and process that utilizes shared resources documents provide build. The good news is when you have a working process in place that you can easily expand, move to another provider, or duplicate it in a different task.

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