Victims of Bullying Need Multiple Strategies

In order to eliminate bullying in their lives, victims need multiple strategies to avoid it. If one strategy does not work, there must be another strategy in your arsenal ready to go. By providing children with more than one strategy to prevent bullying, they will be better equipped to cope.

For example, if we tell our children to fight or threaten the bully, bullying will not stop and can actually become worse.

Victims of bullying should remember that bullies want angry and sad. If the abuser sees the victim cry or be emotional, it is almost a guarantee that bullying will continue. For this reason, it is important for victims of bullying do their best to stay calm if they are bullied.
Here are three strategies that victims of bullying can try:

1. Ignore the bully. If other students play you, turn and walk away without saying anything is a strategy that you can try. If you seem angry or evil with insults, bullying will continue. This strategy works well for students who have a sense of well-being. Students who are less confident can not find this particularly effective strategy. Walk away while being caused can encourage the bully to continue to tease him because the bully think you're afraid. However, it is a simple strategy to try. If this does not work, go to number two strategy.

2. Endorses the aggressor. Remember, bullies are trying to get a reaction out of you. If a bully makes fun of your clothes or a physical characteristic, disagree with them.

3. Stay in a group. Bullies like to choose students who are alone. It is much easier to intimidate students with no support system. Bullies usually not choose students who are part of a larger group. This offers many witnesses to the bullying incident. Bullies prefer to pursue students who are isolated and alone. So stay with a group of other students as much as possible can be an effective strategy that potential victims of bullying can use.

The victims of bullying and students who are potential victims should be aware of a number of strategies you can use to eliminate bullying in their lives. Have one strategy available to them is not enough. Bullying is a painful experience and students must know how to protect themselves.

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