Note: Although
this article demonstrates how to isolate the images on a single site, it is
against the law on copyright to copy anyone, in fact, these images to your own
website without the express permission to do so.
Two ways to use
the images for websites
The two main ways to use the images for sites are:
The two main ways to use the images for sites are:
2) The background images. Any
image can be used either as an integrated image or as a background image. However,
a browser creates different effects with embedded images background; they are
generally different types of images.
images are an element in a web page. These images have
their own label and properties. Sample code for an embedded image is:

The image tag is img, everything else is a list of the properties of the image as it is used on this page. Only images can be inserted alt tag or spacing properties.
You can find the code for a page that you see in your browser by going to View -> Source (or source code of the page). The addresses of nserted images can always be found by doing a search in the HTML (Ctrl + F) for two ways to code background images
Background images can be encoded in HTML or CSS. HTML funds are a way to encode more background, but the method still works, and there are many sites with the old code. For a new web developer, it may be easier to use background images HTML in the learning process. However, over time, it is considered "best practices" to define your CSS in background images.
Find the code for a background image requires an understanding of how HTML and CSS coding works.
1. When background images are coded in HTML, the code of the property: background = "path-to-file". This means you must use the folder and the file address for your image. & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp;
2. When the background image are coded in CSS, the image code can appear in one of three locations: a) in accordance with the HTML code, b) in the upper part of the HTML file in an internal style, c) an external style sheet. The CSS code for a background image like this: background-image: url (path-to-image);
The code can also be on a property that includes a background color: background: # 669933 url (path-to-image);
Three locations for CSS Background Image Code
1. Online - CSS is listed as a style property in the HTML tag
This method should be used rarely because it breaks the coherence of the site.
2. Internal Style - CSS code in an internal style is listed at the top of the web page at. This makes the style information available to the whole site, but not to other Web pages. & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp;
& Nbsp; & Nbsp; & Nbsp;
3. External style - are in a file that is separate from the HTML file. The styles are like internal styles:
background-color: # D6DD7D;
background-image: url (../ images / funds / StripesLightGreen.gif);
} It is not uncommon to find that style code is not aligned like the examples above. Align code as above, it is easier for a person to read.
To find the external style sheet
- Go to the source code of an HTML file
- There are two ways that a style sheet can be attached to a webpage link and importers. - The import method is an ancient method. @import "/001/001.css";
- The second case uses the connection method:
- Note that in both cases, part of the address is given: /001/001.css /styles2.css These addresses are "on". In the first example, the reason why there's a / before the information folder / file is the style sheet file is in the root level of the site. This means you can go to [] to the style sheet.
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