Bullying in America We will Teach Our Children

Children who are bullied are often distinguished because of a perceived difference that makes them better, or smarter than most talented, compassionate and capable than the bully. Adult abusers goals adults also tend to have a higher ethic, are very popular, the toughest and most skilled workers, talented and capable than the bully.

Bullying can be a gateway behavior. Successful school bullies learn that threats and aggression are acceptable even in adulthood if not caught and punished for their actions during the school year.

In a Fight Crime Study: Investing in children, about 60 percent of boys who researchers classified as bullies in grades 6-9 were convicted of at least one crime by the age of 24 while 40 percent had three or more convictions.

Bullying can also lead to domestic violence.

If your child is being bullied to take their complaints of serious intimidation. Never expect your child to work for a single bullying. Bullying is a challenge for the best and brightest of adults and a child is simply unable to figure this out on your own or stop bullying without adult intervention.

If your child bullied reports, congratulate them on the report and ensure that you take action.

Take measures. Talk to the teacher, counselor or another your child care provider on bullying reports. Work together to solve the bullying situation. Do not confront the bully's parents directly. Documenting bullying and contact the school in writing and in person about the law and its application to your situation. If you continue to have an attorney to hiring problems. the life of your child may not be the aggressors game, but suicide. Bullying is one of the main causes of child suicide. You can record the tape your child's answer is easier.

Teach your child to be assertive. Your child should be able to express feelings and needs clearly, without shouting or other aggressive behavior. Teach your child to identify bullying behavior. These include beatings, property damage, threats and name calling, excluding someone from the group, spreading rumors and embarrass others.

Teach your child strategies for managing bullying. If the bullying, your child can go; tell the bully to stop, avoid the bully, or tell and adult.

Teach your child to stand up for other children being bullied well. If your child sees someone being bullied, he or she can help the victim walk, invite the victim to play or eat lunch, tell the bully to stop picking on someone, or tell and adult.

Tell your child that you will not tolerate bullying behavior. If you find that your child was aggression, work with your child's teacher, counselor or another caregiver to end the bullying.

Avoid the use of threats or aggression when interacting with other adults and to discipline your child.

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