Defining Labels in Gmail

Defining Labels in Gmail Review

In a previous article we talked about the benefits of using labels in Gmail to organize your incoming messages, and to store important messages in an easy style file system to find. If the labels are new to you, here's the bottom line: The labels are very similar to the file system that is used on the hard disk of personal computers to store digital information.

In Gmail, the label system allows you to store and sort e-mail messages. You can move individual messages to their own label (think "folder"), or have Gmail automatically move messages to your specified label for you. Why use labels in Gmail? If you are a business owner who uses Gmail as your email client every day, you can separate the e-mails based on different projects, clients or other categories. 

For personal use, labels can be used to organize e-mail messages to friends, family and others or for other important things you need to remember. To access the function of the label, look for the little gear icon as in the upper right corner of your Gmail login page. Click on the link tags to access this page.

The first thing you will see are the labels included in the standard equipment that comes with all Gmail accounts: Inbox, Starred, Chats, Email, Drafts All Mail, Spam and Trash sent. These are the "standard" tags that you see in the column on the left side of the Gmail page.
You can click the "Show" or "hide" the right connections of each label to do just that - to show or hide the link on the main page of Gmail, but you can not delete or modify in any way - they are wired into the Gmail system.

Under the default labels, you will see a line, then the word "Labels" and a text input box to "create a new label." As you create and manage new labels, the labels will be listed alphabetically at the bottom of the page.
When you create new labels, you'll be able to hide or show too much or completely remove the label. It is important to note that even if you delete a tag, messages that have been stored in folders that labels will not be erased. Messages will always be "findable" by searching your basic email data.

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