Top Hidden Facts you need to Know to get to the Top of Google

You need for a website to get the coveted first page of Google for a keyword?     Home PageRank (HPR) is the main factor in Google's algorithm: Evidence and easily verifiable have recently been published which shows that (G-Factor-1). The PageRank (PR) of the page you are viewing appears in a window on the Google Toolbar (Firefox or Internet Explorer only). The author believes that we should completely read more that - "homepage PageRank is Google's view of the importance of this page - number / 10."

Google gives a boost to the effective PageRank of a page that is competing for a keyword; This is the second factor in the Google algorithm (G-Factor-2).

We do shows integer values ​​PageRank and Google does not know decimals (PR 4 instead of 4.6788834 for example).

As you are provided with whole PR readings only, we see changes in PageRank as important steps that occur rarely. PageRank how many decimal places, PageRank changes regarding Google, they are usually not more than a small slide up or down along a continuous slope. If a Web page has a HPR 6.00001'll see as PR6. Although the total value of incoming links to the page remains constant, the content of the web page Google is expanding and this page can drag a PR 5.99999 but see us as PR5 the next PageRank update. Google updates frequently public information for himself but does not release updates to the public, at intervals ranging from weeks to months.

    Google tells us "page" in PageRank refers to one of the two co-founders of Google - Larry Page. While this is undoubtedly true, also refers to the web page.

If all other factors (at least 200) of two competing pages for a keyword are identical, which has the largest HPR be listed above the other in the Google search results pages (SERPs).

Google ignores us fully informed of links to a website to recognize. A "link: Google search URL will return a few of those disclosed by other search engines.

The best indicator of keyword difficulty is the adjusted average HPR (for the G-Factor-2) top web pages of Google results page of search engines (SERP) - HPR-KD. page Ranking

Google determines PageRank of a web page in two stages.

It summates the value of all the inbound links to the web page. The value of each link depends on the PR page with links divided by the number of links on the page.

Every page indexed by Google is ranked according to the total value of your inbound links. Web pages are not in 11 groups (PR0 -10), but on a course in the league because of known decimal Google.

The most popular pages PR10. PageRank is logarithmic rather than a linear scale. Google ahead of its competitors search engine, incorporating user signs in its positioning algorithm. Reassuringly, the keyword difficulty published data analyzes before and after Panda demonstrated that HPR KD average for a cohort of 1,000 keywords remained stable. These web pages have been downgraded by Panda were replaced by others with the same HPR.

The literature, however, suggests that the PageRank of individual page played a major role in determining positioning in the SERPs now.

There are many examples of internal web pages with PR0 are positioning the top of the page on Google for highly competitive keywords. Obviously, the PageRank of internal pages is not currently a major factor in the Google algorithm. It is this observation that led so many SEO experts to give little importance to PageRank in web positioning.

Homepage PageRank is the first factor in the Google algorithm.

The inside pages with PR0 on top of the Google page for great difficulty keywords, however, are still on HPR sites with at least 4 and often 6 or more. It became clear that if the PageRank of an internal page does not have a major influence on the Google algorithm, PageRank site home page is the first factor.

There are also examples of Web pages with HPR0 have the Top averages for keywords difficulty, but careful observation shows that it is their own home page that is competing. This observation was the basis for the conclusion that Google assumes that the home page of a site has the highest authority and Google provide a boost to their competitive PR. Pages with HPR0-4 have their effective HPR stimulated 5. Keyword difficulty Average adjusted HomePage PageRank - HPR-KD

The entire HPR average high in Google SERP Web page for a keyword is the best indicator of keyword difficulty (HPR-KD). HPR-KD for a number of keywords in are: -

7.2 website
project 6.3
designing a website 5.5
website designer 5.4
London 5.1 website designer
North London 4.8 website designer
Wembley 3.6 web designer.

HPR-KD are in a narrow range, because;

· PageRank assigned logarithmic; a HPR 4 is equal to the average of about 2,500 calls, and HPR6 HPR5 75,000 to 250,000.

· The G-Factor-2 buttons for competition in home pages for a keyword at least PR5 means the average HPR define the main pages in Google SERPs is rarely less than 3.5.

All pages of the site a new site designer Wembley when indexed PR would be 0. Internal pages on a new site HPRS 0 and will not be able to compete for a keyword value Keyword.

Guidelines have been produced to indicate the minimum HPR site requires to have a chance to position the best keywords on Google, depending on their HPR-KD. These guidelines distinguish necessary HPR as it is the home page or inner page that will be competing. The guidelines were produced to show where at least two pages or less that Web planning jurisdiction HPR are likely to be on the top page of Google.

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