The Food Pyramid for Children

Triangle healthy Hello!

Children food pyramid is a food guide designed by the US Department of Agriculture. The pyramid shows the five major food groups child needs to stay healthy, nourished and strong. In addition to different food groups are the corresponding dose sizes recommended by day depending on the age of the child. Look at what spot:

Grains: 3-5 ounces (2-8 years), 5-7 ounces. (9-18 years old)

Vegetables: 1-1.5 cups (2-8 years), 2.5-3 cups (9-18 years)

Fruits: 1.5 cups (2-8 years), 1.5-2 cups (9-18 years)

Dairy: 2 cups (2-8 years), 3 cups (9-18 years)

Group Protein 4/2 oz (2-8 years), 5-6 ounces. (9-18 years old)

The above points are the easiest way to trace how much of each food group your child should eat to stay healthy. You can read nutrition labels on packaged food back so you know how many ounces are in a serving. This will help you maintain and monitor the daily consumption of your child.

Try to make half of your grain products "whole grain". The bat, however, brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal and whole foods are. If your child is not a fan of milk, try to get them to eat yogurt, orange juice fortified with calcium, or cheese. If your child loves milk, however, change for skimmed milk at the age of three years, this will reduce your fat intake.

Remember that these are not super strict rules. Have more fruits and vegetables than the recommended daily portion is normal. If you look at the food pyramid for kids, you will see that there are sugary foods, processed meats, junk food, desserts, soft drinks or beverages that can be found. To reaffirm and clarify: there is no problem as long as you do not eat every day.

Some of the food was not found in the table, the bittersweet chocolate pumps endorphins and serotonin in your system and allows your mood and general ambience. A healthy diet should be the goal of every day!

Salt is also found in the pyramid because many healthy foods that have already buy salt. Our bodies and the bodies of our children need salt, but not in amounts that would normally take them on, which is already generally very bad for you. It is important to follow the food pyramid as best you can. Later in the day, you map a better life for your child. Instilling healthy habits and following of this pyramid prevents your child being overweight, diabetes, heart disease, chronic disease, cancer and a host of other medical problems. This will give your child a longer life and a too easy!

Find what works best for you, your child and the rest of the family.

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