Healthy Vegetarian Food Pyramid

As with all other food choices, healthy vegetarian food depends on certain types of food. In other words having only vegetarian food and has no right to food is to consume large amounts of food without the necessary vegetables.

As with the meat eater, vegetarian require diversity and the right combinations of foods to be healthy. The best place to start is the food pyramid.

In the case of vegetarian cooking that foundation consists of cereals, cereal-based foods, fruits and vegetables.

The grain foods were wheat, rice, barley, corn, oats, rye, millet and buckwheat. These grain foods can be pasta, bread and whole grain cereals.

The next layer of the pyramid for vegetarians are foods that should be consumed in moderation. These are dairy products, vegetables, nuts and eggs.

Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are quite right in moderation. Legumes are peas of any kind, and lentils.

The highest level of the pyramid is the family member food to those less frequently if it is accepted by everyone, no matter if you are vegetarian or eat meat you cook. Sugar, butter, sour cream, margarine, oils, alcohol, tea and coffee. If you practice a model of the food pyramid, get food will be much easier. From breakfast to try fruit, cereal and toast. Lunch might be salad or cooked vegetables with bread and fruit. Later in the time of pasta or rice for the main course dinner, vegetables or salad, and a fruit dessert.

The central zone, which is the part consumed moderately can include things like dairy products (unless you're vegan). For example, yogurt for breakfast or lunch and a little cheese with lunch or dinner. Dinner can also have a delicious serving of beans or lentils. Now I eat less than most top of the pyramid is. A small amount of butter or margarine on bread is acceptable. A small amount of olive oil in a salad or some rice bran oil to sauté onions at dinner is quite appropriate. Spasmodic glass of wine at dinner and a sweet treat, sometimes it does not hurt to be. Healthy vegetarian cuisine leans how to mix the nutritional quality of meals throughout the day and it is really easy to achieve if the food pyramid guidelines are followed.

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