New Food Pyramid

New Food Pyramid Reviews

Better food habits can help you be healthier. The American Heart Association recommends that you eat a variety of foods daily from all basic food groups.

New food pyramid is designed to help people make healthy food choices. In response to rising obesity rates, the US Department of Agriculture of the United States presented 19 April 2005, a new revised food pyramid. 

New food pyramid, which replaces the old pyramid introduced in 1992, encourages consumers to choose foods appropriate to their specific calorie needs and adds a new category: regular exercise.

The updated symbol includes a picture of a figure walking stick of a set of steps to emphasize physical activity.

1. Green vegetables

2. Red fruit

3. Yellow - Oils

4. Blue - milk products

5. Purple - meats and beans

Foods from each group should be eaten every day. The largest group of food group rather than product you should eat, although the widths are a general guide to portion size, not an exact recommendation.

Unlike the old pyramid, which presented its recommendations in servings, the new food pyramid uses terms such as cups and ounces.


Compare the old and the new food pyramid

The old pyramid describes Americans parties should eat, the more basic (cereals) at least at the top (fats, oils and sugars). It has been criticized as broad and vague;

He recommended, for example, that people eat 6 to 12 servings of grain products without explaining who should eat 12 servings 6 against, without identifying a size of the dose.

This time, the new food pyramid is a series of vertical colored stripes of different widths. Combined bands of fruits and vegetables take up more space, followed by grains with narrow strips still belonging fats, oils, and sugars.

New Food Pyramid is about the ability of people to personalize their approach when choosing a healthier lifestyle that balances nutrition and exercise. You are what you eat.

Best food habits can help reduce the risk of heart attack and other diseases more. A healthy diet means choosing the right foods to eat and prepare healthy foods.

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