How to Change the Food Pyramid

In 1992, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a food guide aimed at encouraging people to eat more healthily. This pyramid is still widely used in food packaging and is represented by horizontally divided sections representing the type and portion of food that people should eat. This Guide to Healthy Eating was updated in 2005, and the next update is scheduled for 2010.

Critics of the pyramid in 1992 underscored its recommendations are erroneous and unclear. Hamburger Daily, as suggested by the pyramid have been associated with heart disease. In addition, the food pyramid not distinguish between different types of protein such as eggs, nuts, meats, poultry, fish and beans, which were grouped under the same label. In 2005, USDA has taken a different course to promote healthy eating. He redesigned the pyramid in 1992, cutting in vertical sections, instead of horizontal, color coded. The thickness of the color bands indicates the recommended servings should be consumed by children and adults. As such, purple and yellow bands for meat and oil, respectively, they are thinner than those representing grains, vegetables, fruits and dairy products (orange, green, red and blue).

In addition to the representation of different stakeholder groups of food categories and also describes a new pyramid climbing stairs to FIG side of the pyramid. The type of food a person eats can make a tangible difference to your health. Not only must watch what they eat, portion control and constant exercise are key to a healthier life.

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