Eco-Food Chain Disasters in Check can Mean Discounts

Very often we see that we have a nuisance of some sort, what we dislike about ourselves and we use the reduction procedures to get rid of the kind of plant or insect that invades our areas. Unfortunately, sometimes we do something that is linear in thought and make sure it gets rid of a problem or a curse of our perception, but in doing so disrupts the ecosystem and the food chain allowing other species to take over completely and end up with a niche.

When this happens, then it's a slippery slope downhill as we see in the food chain dissolve and crumble. This makes the insects and animals to change their diet to be maintained, then they get sick and have problems or starve because something ate their preferred source of food that had evolved and adapted over thousands if not millions years do you see?

This does not mean that we should not try to reduce mosquitoes, carry disease and are disease vectors for some of the worst of humanity biological threats; we certainly should.

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