Because Self Checkout will never Work for a Successful Chinese Fast Food Chain

Self Checkout is a great way to increase the value provided by the staff of your shop or restaurant, relegating fund tasks for the customer and have the staff to do the more support inside the store. Many kiosks for self check-out was successfully deployed and are used worldwide.
However, not all the place is suitable for deploying self-scanning checkout technology. Give three reasons why this chain is best suited for a regular point, open sales / service points system: the speed of service, personnel costs, and customer interaction.

Speed ​​of service
Store Chinese food chain is modeled on a "Chinese buffet" department where there is a line where you can choose food chain and the servers then put in a styrofoam container. The system consists of three servers, hosting, food placer, and cash. There is only one buffet line in a restaurant of this type of service speed mode is absolutely crucial to revenue and customer satisfaction. In fact, often, a long line forms, even before entering the clean buffet line.

Each line server is well versed in both the standard message with a second upsell, or put food chain on the packaging or in the process of payment with the upsell beverage required. It is very unlikely that in such circumstances a self check-out could provide greater speed in such a restaurant. If the project includes several tracks self-service, then maybe yes, but it is not too big a chance to slow down with a single track.

Staff costs
There are only three officials implicated in the point of service in this restaurant. Each role of staff is to satisfy customers quickly control and keep the line moving towards the box or on the tables.

Customer Interaction
Although very scripted, the customer interaction with staff of the fast food chain Chinese restaurant, is precious. The team, through upsells scripts, directs the attention of customers to these new elements. Other offers of the staff offers is offers sample tasting. It is highly unlikely that any self check-out system could be as good as a person living in one of the higher ranges or sample offers tastings.

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