Popcorn Facts - Interesting Things You Need To Know About Popcorn

Top Popcorn Facts Interesting Things You Need to Know About Popcorn ~ When people eat popcorn, most of them just think about the history of popcorn, or anything else about the snack. Most of the time, all that eating popcorn is thinking how sweet tastes, and how the film is interesting, probably because popcorn has its place as the film's official snack.
Information relating to the health of the snack, the origin of the popcorn machine and why the word "pop" is used to designate these snacks.

Here are some facts:

Zea mays is the scientific name of corn produced popcorn and corn family, is all that appears.
Popped kernels were discovered in 1948 in the caves of New Mexico. Moreover popcorn usually produces a small percentage spinners.
America is the largest consumer of popcorn. Americans take at 17000000000 quarts of popcorn per year. It is enough popcorn to the Empire State Building 18 times filling.
Popcorn is available in two forms-the snowflake and mushroom. Some people prefer snowflake because of its large size, while others choose to fungi, because it does not crumble.
If you look at world records sphere ball popcorn measuring a diameter of about 12 meters and had 2000 pounds of corn, 400 water with a capacity of one liter each, glucose syrup of about 280 liters and 40,000 pounds of sugar to create.
Popcorn snack rich in fiber with calories, sugar, sodium and fat in small quantities. In the past, some American tribes used to add flavor to popcorn with spices and dried herbs. They also have beer and popcorn soup. Chile is also an important ingredient in making popcorn.
Nebraska is the highest in America popcorn products is. He obtained a minimum of about a quarter of the American production of popcorn per year. This state produces about 250 million pounds of popcorn per year.

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