Main Types Of Tea You Should Know in Here ~ In the early days of my exploration, believed that each type of tea - black tea, green, white, oolong, pu-erh and yellow tea individual plants, each one unique. The type of tea is actually determined by a phase transformation method for each.
All tea, regardless of the actions of the eight common steps in the transformation, which are: harvesting or collection, sorting, cleaning, drying, primary treatment, specific to the type of tea in progress, the end of cooking and drying the 'range order, and finally packaging. Number five steps - specific treatment for the type is what determines which of the six main types of tea are made.
Other elements of the course of a factor for the type of tea, such as leaf size, climate, altitude or high or low growth, the amount of moisture, soil type, and season's collection, contribute the final result.
If it is a green tea, white or yellow, at least one oxidation black tea (or pu-erh) fully oxidized oolong tea, which has a wide range of oxidation and semi-oxidized as receive, the degree of oxidation determined type of tea.
Now let's look at each of the six main types of tea:
1) Black tea
Black tea is fully oxidized and are divided into two categories: whole, tea leaves and torn pieces. Tea leaf is classified graduated broken meshes with larger screen, thicker sheets, to smaller particles and dust Fannings calls. Broken tea leaves are used in tea bags and mixtures.
2) Green Tea
This is one of the most important and confusing as many of the six main types of tea. Instead of a rating system, green tea use designations name. Japan also produces green tea, but because they produce fewer styles is easier for each of their individual styles to identify.
To add to the confusion, there are no uniform guidelines from one country to another with the name of green tea, with each country using their own nomenclature and identification methods.
3) White tea
Until recently China was one of the few countries to black tea, with its beautiful Bai Hao Yin Zhen (or Silver Needle) and Bai Mei (White Eyebrow). But Sri Lanka participated in the competition with silver tips and Ceylon Bai Mu Dan (White Peony), both of which are equally sumptuous Chinese white tea. Many other countries are also producing white tea, but not so far in these two countries leading manufacturers.
4) Oolong Tea
China and Taiwan produce excellent oolong.
5) Yellow tea
You probably have not heard much about yellow tea, as it does in China and it is difficult to find because very little is produced. Moreover, a little darker, sometimes advertised and sold as a green tea involuntarily.
6) Pu-erh
There are two styles of pu-erh: Shou pu-erh, faster aging, which is available in loose-leaf form or pressed into cakes called beeng cha. Sheng pu-erh is longer style beeng aging and other forms cha compressed, stored in rooms with controlled temperature anywhere in the age of 10-50 years.
It's amazing to think that each of the six main types of tea to exactly the same, caught fresh leaves of the plant itself, to begin with, but with a little help from nature and sophistication of end tea , being completely unique to themselves.
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