5 Things You Should Know About The Causes Of Acne

Things You Should Know About The Causes Of Acne ~ As many of you with cystic acne probably recognize by now, there is plenty of information online that is described in detail on the development of acne. Through my personal experience with cystic acne, spent most of my adult life trying to understand what causes acne and then, in an attempt to treatments for cystic acne or acne products that can help get rid of the finding.

What is acne?

Acne is essentially excess skin cells and oil (called sebum) that the pores of your skin to block. Like all bacteria or worsen attacks our body, triggers a defensive reaction of the body in an attempt to fight bacteria and cause swelling and hence acne.

What Causes Acne? The five main causes are:

1. Skin irritation

External forces on the skin, such as friction from clothing, intense cold and warm temperatures, makeup - can all disrupt the skin, which in turn helps to much sebum. Many acne sufferers have sensitive skin can be easily irritated and worse, the scar.

2. Hormonal

Changes in the body, for example the age of puberty can increase hormones called androgens. These stimulate the sebaceous glands in the hair root to produce extra sebum.

3. Psychology

People have a strong relationship between acne and stress.

4. Genetics

Acne is hereditary, so if your mother and your father was prone to explode, chances are you will definitely get.

5. Diet

Studies have shown that foods that a major "glycemic load" - for example rice or bread - can aggravate acne. The idea is that glycemic foods significantly the amount of insulin (a hormone) in the body, which then produces a large amount of sebum.

Remember that the specific cause of acne can vary individually, this is the right cystic acne treatment can vary.

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