If we think about ice cream, we usually think of children, but in fact, the ice cream is a pleasure for adults among us as for children.
4 oz high-quality sugar or unleavened gourmet chocolate
Double (heavy) 12 fl oz (1½ cups)
16 oz ozone (2 cups) evaporated milk
3 large eggs
10 ounces (1¼ cups) of sugar
2 tablespoons of flour
¼ teaspoon of salt
1 ½ teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 teaspoon of ground coffee beans
2 tablespoons Tia Maria or other liqueur (chocolate) of your choice
The sugar, flour, coffee and salt in a bowl penetrate and mix well. Sprinkle the eggs in a separate bowl. If you want a luxury ice cream, use only egg yolks and use two egg yolks. With a double kettle, if any, heat the chocolate over moderate heat. If not, pan in a large filled pan. When the chocolate has just melted, pour the evaporated milk carefully into the pan. Keep the mixture warm, stir well and mix well. Slowly remove the liquid ingredients from the bowl without tapping. Add all dry ingredients carefully and beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Remove from heat and proceed gently until mixture reaches room temperature.
If you have an ice cream, pour the mixture and follow the instructions. If you do not mix your mixture into the freezer and every half hour giving him a good mix, then the ice crystals start to form. Eggs treated for salmonella can be used when available.
3 eggs
24 oz (6 cups) good quality chocolate milk
2 tins of condensed milk
2 grams of semi-sweet melted chocolate
8 oz. (1 cup) of sugar
1 ½ teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 teaspoon of ground coffee beans
2 tablespoons Tia Maria or other liqueur (chocolate) of your choice
Beat eggs, add sugar and coffee and mix.
Pour all liquid ingredients except the melted chocolate and gently stir until smooth and mixed. Finally, add the molten chocolate.
If everything is well mixed, pour it into your ice maker if you have it and freeze at night, otherwise follow the instructions above.
The ice cream is served well with drinks and a little-whipped cream.
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