Fantastic Harry Potter Fantasy Fun with Lego Hogwarts Board Game

What could be more fun than a crazy enthusiasm for a scary old castle? It's absolutely nothing, and that's why Lego Hogwarts game for fanatics Harry Potter and Lego is essential.

About the game

The Lego Hogwarts game is suitable for children under 4 years of age. The game itself can be played by 2-4 players. Directions for the full colors provided for the construction of the bard game available. Separate instructions describe how to play the Lego Hogwarts game. Kids build all aspects of the Lego game; Including die!

The construction of the Lego Hogwarts table game
Over the decades, she has in fact developed board games. Build the Lego Hogwarts game is probably the most fun ever made on a board. Build your child from the Scratch Board to make use of more than 300 pieces of Lego, which in this excellent Harry Potter series Lego box.

The object of the game

Once the Lego Hogwarts Board is fully assembled, it's time for your kid to find some players and start the game! Players can choose from 9 different mini Lego characters. Once the characters are selected, the lego cube fades and magic fun begins.

The first player to collect all your work scenarios and return to the living room for some serious study of magic to win the game!

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One of the factors was the famous monopoly that the indications of unusual players. The nine characters Mini Lego Harry Potter Hogwarts Lego kit in a series of popular occupation know your child and your love cover; Including Draco, Dumbledore, Ron, Ermioni, and of course the wonderful Harry! Again, Lego manages to create characters that are immediately recognizable as minimalist. This clever trick, of course, lost his son, and the characters clearly increase the magic of the board game.

The board game Lego Hogwarts is a great gift; They include the family in an unforgettable game.

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